Thursday, December 26, 2019
What Is an Extensive Margin
Extensive margin refers to the range to which a resource is utilized or applied. For example, the number of people working is one measure that falls under the heading of extensive margin. By definition... split the overall level of work activity into the number of individuals in work and the intensity of work supplied by those in work. This reflects the distinction between whether to work and how much to work at the individual level and is referred to, respectively, as the extensive and intensive margin of labour supply. At the aggregate level the former is typically measured by the number of individuals in paid employment and the later by the average number of working hours. - Blundell, Bozio, Laroque By this definition, you can (roughly) categorize extensive margin as how many resources are employed as opposed to how hard (intensively, even) they are employed. This distinction is important because it helps to separate and categorize changes in resource usage. In other words, if more of a resource is used, its helpful to understand whether this increase is because more resources are put to work (i.e. extensive margin increases) or because the existing resources were used more intensively (i.e. intensive margin increases). Understanding this distinction likely has consequences for proper policy response. Its also helpful to note that such a change is often due to a combination of changes in extensive and intensive margin. In a slightly different interpretation, extensive margin can be thought of as, for example, number of hours worked, whereas intensive margin in this interpretation would refer to the level of effort exerted. As it relates to the production function, extensive margin and intensive margin can be thought of as substitutes to some degree- in other words, one could produce more output by either working longer (extensive margin) or working harder or more efficiently (intensive margin). This distinction can also be seen by looking at a production function directly: YtAtKtÃŽ ±(etLt)(1−Î ±) Here, changes in L (amount of labor) count as changes in extensive margin and changes in e (effort) count as changes in intensive margin. The concept of extensive margin is also crucial in analyzing world trade. In this context, extensive margin refers to whether a trading relationship exists, whereas intensive margin refers to how much is actually traded in that trading relationship. Economists can then use these terms to discuss whether changes in the volume of imports and exports are due to chenges in extensive margin or intensive margin. For more information and insight, you can contrast extensive margin with intensive margin. (Econterms)  Terms related to Extensive Margin: Intensive margin Source THE ROLE OF EXTENSIVE AND INTENSIVE MARGINS AND EXPORT GROWTH, NBER Working Paper. Labour Supply Responses and the Extensive Margin: The US, UK and France, Draft 2011.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Do Prisons Rehabilitate Essay - 1684 Words
Do Prisons Rehabilitate? In this essay, I shall be focusing on the whether or Prisons rehabilitate offenders. I will do this by focusing mainly on the Prison Service in England amp; Wales, the reason for this, being that the data and statistics for England amp; Wales are easier to obtain than that of other countries. The main information I will be referring to will be the rates of conviction, types of imprisonment, types of non-custodial sentences. Also I will explore some of the current methods of offender rehabilitation. Her Majesty’s Prison Service is composed of two main types of prisons, they are open and closed prisons. Following the Mountbatten Report (1965) Prisoners were placed into security categories, ranging from category†¦show more content†¦In general, it would be fair to say that the majority of people in England and Wales would agree with the statement that prisons are not working. The reason for this is that on average 50% of prisoners within 2 years of release will reoffend. Hence this shows that prisons do not rehabilitate everyone who passes through them, Norman Brennan is quoted below saying that it is not the prisons that fail, but it is the inmates that fail. I think that the only way that the prison service can rehabilitate offenders is if the offenders themselves are willing to be rehabilitated. â€Å"It is wrong therefore to say that prisons fail; it is their inmates who fail. If on discharge from prison the ex-prisoner re-offend, it confirms that a custodial sentence was right in the first place...†Norman Brennan, Director of the Victims of Crime Trust, and a 23-year serving policeman Often now, it is believed that a prison sentence is not always the most effective way of punishing an offender. As stated below, often a custodial sentence causes more harm than good. The main reason for this is that when a offender is sentenced to prison, they often loose their job and the chance to see and be seen by their family. In many cases this is not likely to cause a difference in the offenders criminal behaviour because when they are released they will have no job and are often rejected byShow MoreRelatedPrison is no Changing Prisoners1187 Words  | 5 Pagespeople claim that prison does not change people. Research indicates that after indulging in criminal activities, approximately 70% of the released prisoners return to jail within a few years. Most of them fall in three broad areas: †¢ Violent offending †¢ Sex offending †¢ Addictions (Prisoner Rehabilitation) This shows that there are many different types of criminals some more violent than others. On the other hand, some people believe that criminals can rehabilitate after prison. Evidence showsRead MoreOvercrowded Jails and Prisons1821 Words  | 7 Pages Why are prison and jail so overcrowded? Could it be we need to establish a better program for rehabilitating the inmates? For many years now rehabilitation has been an issue within the Criminal Justice System. The debate of should these criminals be punished or should they be rehabilitated. What is the reason for our jails and prisons for becoming so full? Is it because we simply like to house criminals to keep them off the streets or do we truly not know how to rehabilitate them back in to societyRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States871 Words  | 4 Pagesthe uprising of corporate prisons, which are known as for-profit prisons, and private prisons. Private prisons have also lead to States, and federal prisons to become worse when it comes to programs to rehabilitate those who are incarcerated, so that they can function in society as a productive member of it. The conflict between private prisons, and States/federal prisons has worsened prison conditions for both men, a nd women who are incarcerated. The worsening prison conditions in the UnitedRead MorePrison Advantages And Disadvantages987 Words  | 4 PagesThe Benefits of Alternatives to Prison What do you think is more helpful for the society alternative to prisons or prisons? To answer this question, we have to think about the advantages and the disadvantages for both of them. For example, one of the advantages for the prison is to punch the criminals by keeping them away from the society, but it has many disadvantages such as the high cost to keep the criminals in the prison and the increase of the crimes rate that committed by†the prisoners afterRead MoreThe United States Has The Largest Prison Population In1336 Words  | 6 Pageslargest prison population in the world, but fails to perform the duties of successful correctional facilities. The lack of rehabilitation leads to unsuccessful reintegration into society as people released from prison are soon sent back for committing yet another crime, contributing to a violent crime rate of 372.6 per 100,000 inhabitants in the US in 2015 (FBI National Press Office, 2016). According to the US Department of Justice, more than 10,000 convicted criminals are released from US prisons eachRead MorePrison System1495 Words  | 6 PagesPrison inmates, are some of the most maladjusted people in society. Most of the inmates have had too little discipline or too much, come from broken homes, and have no self-esteem. They are very insecure and are at war with themselves as well as with society (Szumski 20). Most inmates did not learn moral values or learn to follow everyday norms. Also, when most lawbreakers are labeled criminals they enter the phase of secondary deviance. They will admit they are criminals or believe it when theyRead MoreIs Recidivism Inevitable? Essay896 Words  | 4 PagesPrisons are intended not only to hold prisoners, but, also to rehabilitate them and turn them into productive members of society. Though it seems prisons are not doing their job correctly, most prisons, either due to budget constraints or corrupt officers, do not try to rehabilitate them. They serve their time and then are thrown back into the world worse criminals than before. The prison system, in its current form, is flawed. It is nearly impossible to truly rehabilitate someone after prison timeRead MoreEssay on The Mission of the Correctional System 1218 Words  | 5 PagesThe correctional system has three main goals: punish, protect the community and rehabilitate the offender. However, it is unclear how well the modern U.S correctional system achieves these goals and whether the money invested in the correctional system might be better spent. These are some of the points I will cover regarding what I think about the correctional system. Department of Corrections is an agency of the state that is responsible for the supervision and management of convicted felonsRead MoreRehabilitation Will Reduce Crime1246 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica, crime is on the rise. Every day, every minute, and even every second someone will commit a crime. Now, I invite you to consider that a crime is taking place as you read this paper. The fraction of the population in the State and Federal prison has increased in every single year for the last 34 years and the rate for imprisonment today is now five times higher than in 1972(Russell, 2009). Considering that rate along crime is a serious act. These crimes range from robbery, rape, kidnappingRead MoreEssay about The United States Correctional System780 Words  | 4 Pagesa different punishment. There are some crimes though that does not carry a large jail or prison sentence such as driving under the influence (DUI). This type of crime is most like going to sentence the offender to alc ohol awareness (AA) classes as a form of punishment, in hopes of rehabilitating the offender to give up alcohol. The Us Correctional System is there to punish offenders and try to rehabilitate them. HOW THE US CORRECTIONAL SYSTEM PUNISHES OFFENDERS The US correctional System punishes
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Integrated Accounting and Sustainable Development
Question: Discuss about the Integrated Accounting and Sustainable Development. Answer: Introduction In the report sustainability has been discussed and has been embraced in respect to environmental, social and economic aspects. Sustainability reporting endeavors to signify an organizations environmental, social and economic performance and its related impacts on the world around it. The report also discusses the need of accountant in sustainability reporting in the organization. Sustainability proposes opportunities in the accountancy practices and many professionals have involved in recent years to provide advice and assurance services relating to sustainability performance and reporting. The report also considers importance of integrated accounting in Australia. Sustainable Development and Accounting Sustainable development can be defined as the development which can fulfill the requirements of the present generation but not at the cost of future generations need (UN Document, 1987). Three elementary concept of sustainable development are economic growth, environmental protection and social empowerment (Forumforthefuture, 2003). Present accounting framework reviews the requirement of accountability and transparency of accounts and its effect on clients and regulatory bodies. Now a days companies are also including the non financial aspects in their annual reports showing its impact on the society and environment. The drive to become more effective and efficient has forced the business organization towards implementing accounting frameworks which are reporting financial, social and environmental performance together. So to walk on the path of sustainable development it is important to develop a logical and practical tool that makes possible progress in relation to economic, social and environmental goals simultaneously. Companies refer to corporate social responsibility (CSR) or corporate responsibility which can be linked to as corporate governance. (Source:, 2003) Drivers toIncorporate Sustainable Development in Accounting Money saving: Utilizing the resources efficiently can be done by collecting the information on expenditure relating to environment and social cost and connecting it to the benefits derived from such expenditure. Useful reporting tool has been provided by sustainability management account to track the progress and decreasing the environment and social cost with time due to sustainability. Governance: Since the corporate governance world is changing, there are many laws reviewing the recommendations on the material impacts on environment should be reported in the annual report along with the financial information. Reputation: Many investors are also interested in looking into data other than the traditional accounting while valuing the company. These non financial data includes customer retention, brand valuation, entering a new market. Risk management: Changing environment has also increased the demand to control and report on non- financial risks. This can be done by identifying the risk associated with present financial performance in respect to social and environmental risks. Role of Accountant in Sustainable Development The key feature of corporate structures that is keeping ownership and control in different hands has increased the demand for accountability and created the need of accountants. In response to the changes in the society and increased diversification into non accounting areas has increased the requirement of professional in respect to quality, knowledge of relevant laws, objectivity and integrity of accountant. Many challenges and opportunities are presented by sustainability in front of an accountant. Following are the ways in which a professional qualified accountant can do to enhance the sustainability. Need of increased transparency and extended responsibility has highlighted the importance of corporate policies which can protect and provide competitive advantage to an organization. Accountant can develop policies to address such issues and help the organization in implication of such policies to manage the risk associated with it (Pearce Atkinson, 1993). The challenge of increasing transparency of rating agencies about the environmental protection and need of information about the social and economical performance requires the need of professionals. The accountant can support benchmarking by providing relevant information on timely basis and in a comparable way. An early understanding of the requirements, prohibition and their related subsidiaries and taxes by the accountant can help him to take appropriate actions like providing necessary information applicable to environmental or social issues. Tradable permits and allowances used by the government to restrict the undesirable impact on environment to improve the sustainability has also raised the need of qualified professional who can understand the related schemes and contribute in the implementation of such policies in the organization. Also accountant can take important decisions about the compliances and the impending consequences. Many government and other authorities working in favor of society prohibits some actions to enhance the sustainability, for example child labour is banned by many countries except few, similarly disposal of toxic waste may be prohibited in some countries but not in others. Therefore compliance with the legal requirements needs complete assessment of the policies and disclosure requirements. Hence accountants can play an important role by recognizing and measuring the information required to be filed by regulatory authorities and disclosures required in the financial statements of the company. Integrated Reporting in Australia Integrated reporting is defined as a method of managing the material financial and non financial matters of entity in a consistently which can recognize the dependencies between each other (ACCA, 2011). An organization following integrated approach will have its vision and strategies integrated with each other, performance and operations will have an integrated approach and the reports issued by the organization will disclose the financial and non financial impacts of material risks (Eccles Krzus, 2010). The main rationale of integrated reporting is to express the impact of matters related to social, environmental and governance of organization on its financial performance. The reporting should demonstrate the value created by the organizations financial, social, and environmental management system in a short, medium and long term. The main objective of integrated reporting is to enhance the information quality which is available to the finance providers of the organization. Importance of Integrated Reporting Integrated reporting outlines the risk related to environmental, social and economics and their related opportunities. It also integrates the vision and strategies of the organization over the short, medium and long term (Jensen Berg, 2012). It identifies the key performance indicators with respect to financial and non financial for all the material risk and opportunities. Integrated reporting helps in identifying the current resources and helps the management in to utilize these resources in optimum manner. Integrated reporting helps in making available quality information about the organization to the stakeholders it allows them to take appropriate actions and decisions. It also gives the overview on the future performance of the organization thereby helping the stakeholders to take informed judgments. Integrated reporting also assist in creating long term value of the financial statement by allowing the investors to assess companies sustainability in a given time frame. Integrated reporting can illustrate the link between social, environmental and economical context with the financial performance, strategies and governance of the organization in which it works thus can influence the decision relating to allocation of companies resources. Major problem faced by the present organization is the lack of standard metrics which can provide standards for translating environmental and social issues into business terms. Integrated reporting can help this problem by including Environmental, social and governance metrics (ESG metrics). This will improve healthy competition between the companies to become more sustainable than other. Value creation has been completely reframed by the integrated reporting by providing another model other than corporate social responsibility. Since sustainable reporting does not provide links between the information reported and value creation process in the organization IR can help by ensuring that the organization is reporting material information which can showcase the performance of the non financial information (GAAP, 2014). It also decreases the risk of downfall in reputation as it reduces the expectation-reality gap among the external parties and companies by bringing transparency in the performance, vision and mission in financial and nonfinancial terms of the organization. It can also be used as a platform to improve engagement and relationship with the stakeholders. Also this can promote employee engagement by collaboration and coordination between different departments of the organization since it is required by the IR to produce integrated report (IMA, 2016). Integrated reporting helps in communicating vision of the company and the ways it will face the challenges and opportunities in respect to non financial matters thereby improving the confidence of investors in the organization. Conclusion The report consists of importance of sustainable development and the reasons why the Australian companies are adopting integrated reporting in their business. Need of professionally qualified accountants in the organization for measuring the significant impact of environmental and social effects on the organization has also been discussed. Accountants also play an important role in developing, understanding and operating all the system of sustainable infrastructure. Integrated reporting has opened an opportunity for the companies to accept sustainable model of business to create long term value. Although there are many limitations in the reporting it has potentials to introduce new innovation through integrated thinking and thereby enhancing the productivity, sustainability and profitability. References ACCA, 2011, Adoption of integrated reporting by the ASX 50, Accessed on 24 April from: Eccles, R.G. and Krzus, M.P., 2010, Integrated reporting for a sustainable strategy: One Report has the potential to significantly change how companies operate and investors think, shifting the focus from that of meeting short-term financial goals to developing a long-term business strategy that not only makes a commitment to corporate social responsibility, but also to a sustainable society,Financial executive,26(2), pp.28-33. Forumforthefuture, 2003, Accounting for Sustainability, Accessed on 23 April from: GAAP, 2014, you need to know that Integrated reporting is gaining ground, assessed from 24 April from: ICAEW, 2013, SUSTAINABILITY: THE ROLE OF ACCOUNTANTS SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS INITIATIVE, accessed from 23 April from: IMA, 2016, Integrated reporting, Accessed on 24 April from: file:///C:/Users/Akansha%20Sogani_ABSAS/Downloads/Integrated%20reporting.pdf Intgratedreporting, 2014, Realizing the benefits: The impact of Integrated Reporting, Accessed on 24 April from: Jensen, J.C. Berg, N., 2012, Determinants of traditional sustainability reporting versus integrated reporting, An institutionalist approach,Business Strategy and the Environment,21(5), pp.299-316. Pearce, D.W. Atkinson, G.D., 1993, Capital theory and the measurement of sustainable development: an indicator of weak sustainability,Ecological economics,8(2), pp.103-108. UN Document, 1987, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Accessed on 23 April from:
Monday, December 2, 2019
Throughout The Novel Wuthering Heights, Emily Bront Effectively Utili Essay Example For Students
Throughout The Novel Wuthering Heights, Emily Bront Effectively Utili Essay Throughout the novel Wuthering Heights, Emily Bront? effectively utilizes weather and setting as methods of conveying insight to the reader of the personal feeling of the characters. While staying at Thrushcross Grange, Mr. Lockwood made a visit to meet Mr. Heathcliff for a second time, and the horrible snow storm that he encounters is the first piece of evidence that he should have perceived about Heathcliffs personality. The setting of the moors is one that makes them a very special place for Catherine and Heathcliff, and they are thus very symbolic of their friendship and spirts. The weather and setting are very effective tools used throughout the end of the novel as well, for when the weather becomes nice it is not only symbolic of the changing times, and the changing people, but also a new beginning. We will write a custom essay on Throughout The Novel Wuthering Heights, Emily Bront Effectively Utili specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now During his stay at Thrushcross Grange Mr. Lockwood made the perilous journey to Wuthering Heights only a few times. On the occasion of his second visit, the snow began to drive thickly(7) during his walk, and this horrible weather should have been foreshadowing to Lockwood about Heathcliffs, and the other members of the households true personalities. Upon arriving he was forced to bang continually upon the door before someone would take the care to let him in out of the cold. The dinner that Lockwood was permitted to have with the ?family was anything but hospitable. Lockwood was treated not unlike an ignorant and unworthy guest, and hence the visit was in no way enjoyable for him. Upon desiring to leave the destitute home, Lockwood finds the weather too intolerable for him to even consider venturing out on his own, and upon being attacked by one of the dogs, he was pulled into the kitchen(15) and allowed, however ungraciously, to stay the night at Wuthering Heights. Once his walk ho mecommenced the following day, Lockwood found himself being escorted by Heathcliff himself. The path that is used as a means of connection between the two houses does well to exemplify the feeling contained within each. The path that is nearest to the Heights is long and winding, with many pits, at least, were filled to a level; and entire ranges of mounds, the refuse of the quarries . . . blotted from the chart(28). This description is a disheartening one, and causes the reader to associate this kind of representation with the Heights. Upon reaching the pass between the Heights and the Grange, Heathcliff did not continue to direct Lockwoods travels. He stated that he could make no error there(28), for the path is transformed into one that is straight and easy for Lockwood to follow. These preliminary descriptions of the path between the two houses, and the weather upon first being introduced to the characters, help in conveying the personalities of the characters in a more subtle m anner. The area surrounding both the Heights and the Grange are referred to as the moors, and they are an important setting for many characters throughout the course of the novel. The two characters that the moors are most symbolic of, however, are Heathcliff and Catherine Linton. The two would play on the moors as children, and this area of land was very expressive of their wild personalities, and of their friendship. The moors are thought of by them as a place where they could be free and unrestricted to be themselves. Bront? once again utilizes a setting to represent the personalities of her characters, for here she uses the wildness of the moors to express the wildness of Heathcliff and Catherine. One evening Catherine makes the decision to marry Edgar Linton, and not her true love Heathcliff. Heathcliff hears her declaration and runs off into the moors. Not long after Heathcliff leaves the vicinity of the Grange, a storm came rattling over the Heights in full fury(78), and Catherine re fuses to sleep without her love presentin the Heights. .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 , .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 .postImageUrl , .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 , .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72:hover , .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72:visited , .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72:active { border:0!important; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72:active , .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72 .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u31979f4a7a488531b94d3bbad872ce72:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Survey Study On Public Health EssayCatherine would not be persuaded into tranquility. She kept wandering to and fro, from the gate to the door . . . and at length took up a permanent situation on one side of the wall, near the road, where, . . . great drops began to plash around her(78). She was desperate for Heathcliff to come home, and without Catherine even speaking, the reader can know of this desperation. Bront? is able to allow the outer weather to symbolize the inner emotional state of Catherine. The setting of the moors is not only able to distinguish the personalities of characters, but also is able to differentiate between different characters. When Catherine went to Thrushcross Grange, the ominous description of the moors followed her. The change in how setting is described is a tool utilized by Bront? as a way of showing the reader that the story is within the Characters, and the words used to describe the setting around any specific character is meant to exemplify that particular individual. Toward the end of the novel, around the time of Lockwoods return to visit Wuthering Heights, the weather suddenly becomes kinder and the setting more amiable. Upon walking up to the door of the Heights all that remained of day was a beamless, amber light along the west but could see every pebble on the path, and every blade of grass by that splendid moon(286). This feeling that the reader acquires from the description of the weather is a much more placid one than used before within the novel. Lockwood was able to enter freely into the yard of Heights, and there was a fragrance of stocks and wall flowers, wafted on the air, from amongst them homely fruit trees(286). Never before was the Heights described as a tranquil place, and yet it is here. The garden that Cathy planted is outside of the doors and is filled with twisted fir trees, and domestic plant. These two kinds of plants mingling together representCathys personality very well. Cathy has wildness, as the twisted fir tree, li ke her mother, and decorousness, as the domestic plants, like her father. Bront? is able to express the changing times to the reader, even before the characters are reintroduced into the dialogue. Upon once again meeting the character, it is quite apparent that times have changed for the better. Heathcliff has died, and with him he takes the foreboding atmosphere of the Heights with him. What is left behind is the carefree feeling that Bront? want the reader to associate with the love developing between Haerton Earnshaw and Cathy Linton. Within the last paragraph of the novel the reader becomes very aware of the end to the story, this is because of the use of setting to donate the feeling of an end to the reader and a quiet slumber for the sleepers in that quiet earth(315). Bront? very effectively uses the weather and the setting within Wuthering Heights to always allow the reader a little more insight into the minds of the characters. The setting and weather seem to mimic the feeling of the individuals that are within the novel. Bront?s use of this as a literary tool is very intriguing, and very helpful in aiding the reader in their grasping the complexity of the characters within the novel. BibliographyWork CitedBront?, Emily: Wuthering Heights, Amsco School Publications, Inc., (c) 1970
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Polyprotic Acid Example Chemistry Problem
Polyprotic Acid Example Chemistry Problem A polyprotic acid is an acid that can donate more than one hydrogen atom (proton) in an aqueous solution. To find the pH of this type of acid, its necessary to know the dissociation constants for each hydrogen atom. This is an example of how to work a polyprotic acid chemistry problem. Polyprotic Acid Chemistry Problem Determine the pH of a 0.10 M solution of H2SO4. Given: Ka2 1.3 x 10-2 Solution H2SO4 has two H (protons), so it is a diprotic acid that undergoes two sequential ionizations in water: First ionization: H2SO4(aq) → H(aq) HSO4-(aq) Second ionization: HSO4-(aq) ⇆H(aq) SO42-(aq) Note that sulfuric acid is a strong acid, so its first dissociation approaches 100%. This is why the reaction is written using → rather than â‡â€. The HSO4-(aq) in the second ionization is a weak acid, so the H is in equilibrium with its conjugate base. Ka2 [H][SO42-]/[HSO4-] Ka2 1.3 x 10-2 Ka2 (0.10 x)(x)/(0.10 - x) Since Ka2 is relatively large, its necessary to use the quadratic formula to solve for x: x2 0.11x - 0.0013 0 x 1.1 x 10-2 M The sum of the first and second ionizations gives the total [H] at equilibrium. 0.10 0.011 0.11 M pH -log[H] 0.96 Learn More Introduction to Polyprotic Acids Strength of Acids and Bases Concentration of Chemical Species First Ionization H2SO4(aq) H+(aq) HSO4-(aq) Initial 0.10 M 0.00 M 0.00 M Change -0.10 M +0.10 M +0.10 M Final 0.00 M 0.10 M 0.10 M Second Ionization HSO42-(aq) H+(aq) SO42-(aq) Initial 0.10 M 0.10 M 0.00 M Change -x M +x M +x M At Equilibrium (0.10 - x) M (0.10 + x) M x M
Saturday, November 23, 2019
10 Words for Bodily Functions and Actions
10 Words for Bodily Functions and Actions 10 Words for Bodily Functions and Actions 10 Words for Bodily Functions and Actions By Mark Nichol No, this list isn’t just for those in the medical profession. Many readers find sesquipedalianism use of overly complicated words when a simpler synonym is available irritating, but ostentatious vocabulary has its place in invective, satire, and standard-issue humor, and can enhance general prose, whether through figurative or literal use. 1. Borborygmus: rumbling (â€Å"What I thought was the rumbling of a truck was only a bout of borborygmus in my stomach†) 2. Emesis: vomiting (â€Å"I turned away in disgust from the vile rhetorical emesis of the racist orator†) 3. Eructation: belching (â€Å"The smokestacks engaged in endless eructation†) 4. Ingurgitation: guzzling (â€Å"We gazed in disbelief at the rampant ingurgitation occurring among the frat boys arrayed around the keg†) 5. Mastication: chewing (â€Å"The students, engrossed in the mental mastication required of the assignment, failed to notice my entrance†) 6. Micturation: urinating (â€Å"They’re micturating over all that we honor and respect†) 7. Osculation: kissing (â€Å"The odious osculation that takes place between politics and big business will never cease†) 8. Peristalsis: swallowing (â€Å"They accepted the lies with peristaltic enthusiasm hook, line, and sinker†) 9. Sternutation: sneezing (â€Å"His incessant explosions of sternutation were unsettling†) 10. Tussis: coughing (â€Å"John produced gratuitous tussis to signal his extreme skepticism†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating ConjunctionsPeace of Mind and A Piece of One's MindWriting a Thank You Note
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Plan Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Business Plan - Dissertation Example The customers will benefit from discounts ranging from 50% to 90%. Business partners will benefit from increased sales resulting in a win-win situation for all parties. The value of each deal ranges between ?10 and ?30 so we expect on average ?20 to be spent by each of our customers with 50% of that being our revenue. Therefore, we expect to earn an average of ?10 from each of our deals. Hooray is expected to be up and running by June 2011. Our target customers are university students, house-wives and white collar workers in and around London. We expected to work with major supermarket chains like Tesco, Sainsbury, Airlines and Travel companies like Thomas Cook operating in and around London. We will also be working with a variety of upscale restaurants in London and on the Campuses of various Universities as well as entertainment companies like movie theatres and opera houses. Our starting point will be in London where we expect to get between 20,000 and 100,000 subscribers in our f irst month of operation and between 20,000 and 100,000 coupons sold bringing in an average of between ?200,000 in a worst case scenario and ?1,000,000 in a best case scenario in terms of revenues. We expect to have between 500 thousand and one million subscribers by the end of May 2012. All first time subscribers’ will get an opportunity of obtaining their deals free if at least three of their friends use their link on subscribing to purchase coupons. Students on various university campuses will be able to buy weekly deals for ?30 for meals for five days at the university cafeteria. If they allow at least five other students to use their link they get free meals for the week. White collar workers will benefit from daily lunch deals various restaurants in and around London. House-wives will benefit tremendously from deals at major supermarkets, especially on items that are slow moving and in some cases soon to expire. Certain fast moving essential items will be mixed with eith er slow moving, soon to expire or in the case of fruits and vegetables that does not have much time left on the shelf or which are in excess supply. In case of airline seats Hooray will seek to obtain regular deals on traditionally slow days which can be past on to its customers. In such a case the customer will obtain discounts of between 30 and 50% off regular travel packages and airline fares. Hooray’s competitive advantage is that it will take the unique elements from other top group buying sites like Groupon which has applications for both Android and IPhone, credits for subscribers who introduce friends that sign up and buy coupons. The more members that a subscriber invites the bigger the discount that the member receives as Tippr currently does. We will offer a percentage of the cost of the purchase to a charitable organisation of the customer’s choice as Deals for deals. Like Homerun customers can get free deals if they invite friends to join. Most valued cust omers will get exclusive deals which will relate to the frequency of purchase and the value of their purchases. Like Daily Dealster our coupons will be transferable and can be given to others as gifts. Every week we will have a promotion where customers give an indication of what deals
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How to successfully implement technological change using Essay
How to successfully implement technological change using sociotechnical principles lessons from case studies - Essay Example The whole electric-power industry felt the consequences" (Strategos, 2008). The problems that occurred at Babcock and Wilcox were attributed to quite a few different factors, namely technological difficulties. The company had built a plant at Mt. Vernon on the Ohio River and had pre-sold an entire year of pressure vessels. Before long, they noticed that every single one of the pressure vessels they were manufacturing was behind schedule (Strategos, 2008). Other problems abounded at the Mt. Vernon plant. Labor shortages, malfunctioning machines, rigid standards, and added expenses plagued the company, causing unprecedented delays to take place. Critics of the company's management team also say that corporate arrogance played a role, as had the choice for the location of the plant in the first place (in an area where labor was short and people were very difficult to train). A lot of money had to be spent in vain training workers that only 33% stayed behind after training to actually work for the company. In addition to being short on labor, the company was also short on skilled labor. The company also had equipment problems. These led to even further delays in getting the pressure vessels out (Strategos, 2008). Its customers were so frustrated by the delays that they began to take partially-manufactured units out of the Mt. Vernon plant and have the company's competitors finish them. The costs associated with these customers waiting any longer were just too high (Strategos, 2008). Kaizen Event for NC Machining According to the case study for this particular machining company "A Kaizen Event helped a jobbing-type machine shop implement workcells and set the stage for dramatic improvements in inventory, delivery, productivity, and quality." In this particular case, the results were that, "In the three months after cell startup, the pump assembly line was never once stopped or inconvenienced by a parts shortage from this cell. WIP inventory went from three months to three days. Productivity improved by about 50%. Capacity was released for increased production demand. Quality improved" (Strategos, 2008). Mechanical Control Cables This case study tells about an older organization that had grown to be very successful, but as has often been the case, met up with technological times and hit a roadblock. Their traditional way of doing things had led to too much overhead. After 2-3 consultants spent a great deal of time at the company and "taught, learned, experimented, and cajoled" (Strategos, 2008). According to the case study for this particular company, "In the end, five workcells were in place and a macro layout showed the locations of remaining cells. Training was well along and teams were developing. Supervisors were learning to deal with the cell environment. Mechtrol carried on this work in the years that followed" (Strategos, 2008). Compare & Contrast The last two cases are similar in structure, but are completely different from the first case. In the first case, major problems are causing unforgivable delays that rocked an entire industry. In the second and third cases, a few relatively minor adjustments in cell layout needed to be made in order to maximize speed, efficiency, productivity, and overall profitability. The decisions were also better thought out in the second and third cases, and the management teams took things impressively slower
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Junior High School Essay Example for Free
Junior High School Essay The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior high school, and two years of Senior high school) to provide sufficient time for tmastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare garduaes for the tertiary education, middle-levels skills development, employment, and entreprenuership. The K+12 educational program is perceived by the Aquino administration as the long term solution to poverty. This program aims to give every student a quality education that will make them globally competitive. This will be done by decongesting the curricilum and using quality materials for learning such as textbooks. Aside from this, high quality teacher will be given priority. High standards will also be set in Mathematics, English and Science in all levels. Thus eliminating the perception the highschool education is preparatory for college. ISSUES AND CONCERNS One of the major campaign platform of Pres. Aquino is the K to 12 educational program and it is also one of the most controversial initiatives. On May 15, President Aquino signed into law the program mandating Filipino pupils to attend kindergarten, six years of elementary school education, four years of junior high school and two years of senior high school. The signing officially ended the country’s 10-year basic education cycle, which now exists only in Angola and Djibouti. K to 12 hopes to decongest the curriculum, by spreading lessons over 12 years, instead of cramming them into 10. K to 12 hopes to do away with college remedial classes, by improving the quality of high-school instruction. K to 12 hopes to protect the rights of Filipino children who, at 18, are legally and emotionally still kids, unprepared for work or university.. Some problems that abound with K to 12: Lack of family, school, government resources; the herculean task of implementation; the need to address more urgent concerns such as early and massive dropouts. Many schools are currently not ready for Grades 11 and 12. Aside from lack of classrooms, their teachers are not trained to handle higher-level subjects, like calculus for students who want to major in the sciences in university. K to 12 would be far more difficult to implement in already overcrowded and poorly equipped public schools, where many teachers are insufficiently trained, classes are often held in multiple shifts and most students struggle to make ends meet. The biggest problem of K to 12 has always been, and will always be, the cost. Even if public education is free, families have to spend for transportation and supplies. An additional two years is a burden for most Filipino families, who want their children to finish school quickly so they can work.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Suicide: The Motives And Inner Thoughts :: essays research papers
People commit suicide because they feel they have no other choice or way to handle their problem. They feel that this is the only way out. Everyone knows this but everyone doesn’t know what goes through a persons mind during and after they decide to make the absolute decision.      Last year on the night of the Halloween dance, a student from Washington High had a terrible fight with her boyfriend. She saw him kiss another girl at the dance and became enraged. The first thing she did was try to talk to him about it in a calm rational manner, but being the inconsiderate jerk he was, he ignored her and walked away every time she confronted him. As the night came closer and closer to ending, the more depressed she became. It wasn’t her fault he hurt her but as much as her friends tried to help her, she became more depressed and angry with her boyfriend. There was absolutely nothing anyone could do to make her realize that she didn’t need him to be happy, after all, there were never any happy moments shared between the two during the relationship. She just didn’t want to let go of him. When she started to leave that night things just got even worse. He stopped her in the parking lot to tell her that he was going to tell everyone that she was a â€Å"whore†and that he would make up any story he wanted to in order for people to believe what he was telling them. (They hadn’t even had a sexual relationship.) Her friends drove home with her and told her to cheer up as she got out of the car. For the first time since she was born, her parents weren’t home to comfort and protect her. This is when she decided to end her problem for good. She took off the costume she wore to the dance, took a shower, and put on comfortable pajamas. She thought to herself â€Å"If I’m going to die, I may as well be comfortable.†As she went down to the kitchen, all she could think about was the cruel things, her now ex-boyfriend, said about her. He had always been degrading to her but this time he went too far. She could still hear him screaming at her an kept reliving the moment, in her mind. She got her mother’s heart pills and a glass of water to prepare for her death. She kept praying to God to help her find some other way to deal with her problem.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ryanair’s Management and Creativity
1. In the book â€Å"Management and Creativity†(Bilton, 2007), Wilson and Cummings define strategy as two distinctive approaches; strategy as position and strategy as process. The former, also referred to as strategy as orientation, takes a more top-down approach and is concentrated around a single leader. It attempts to establish a strategic position that will serve as a basis for differentiation, which is commonly seen as original and innovative. However, a successful implementation of the strategy often requires high monitoring and a hierarchal structure. Thus, the process itself is quite uncreative and there is little room for changes and innovation after the strategy has been established. The leader plays an important role in this strategic approach by setting vision and directing employees, and he or she is often strongly associated with the organization. Ryanair’s CEO Michael O’Leary is a great example of a leader within an orientation strategy organization. The other approach outlined by Wilson and Cummings is strategy as animation. This adhocracy style is commonly adapted by creative organizations and the strategy is more of an evolving process than a fixed strategic position. It is built upon small, continuous changes that emerge incrementally within the organization. In difference from orientation, adhocracy takes a bottom-up approach and the strategy is developed through a collective activity. The leaders role is not to govern and direct, but to set frames, and recognize and build upon meaningful patterns. Shared goals and values hold the company together and serve as the glue in the organization. The animation film studio Pixar serves as a great example of the adhocracy approach. Their process-oriented strategy and bottom-up approach has helped to nurture creativity and build a culture where everyone’s ideas matters and all employees are urged to speak their minds. Thus, creativity is seen as something that evolves through systems and networks, and not something that is isolated to a single leader. Posthocracy is a type of non-strategy. The style is often adapted by organizations that are subject to a lot of uncertainty and changes in their environment. The unpredictability of the future makes it difficult for the organizations to establish a strategy beforehand and decisions are often rationalized after they have been made. This approach is based on ego, emotions and personality. 1. 1 It can be argued that Michael O’Leary follows a strategy as orientation approach. The low-cost strategy has come to define Ryanair and is deeply enrooted in the company. The attempt to reduce prices at all costs set the strategic direction. As in most orientation strategies, the company takes a top-down approach and the creativity is concentrated to the leader; the CEO Michael O’Leary. His controversial ideas are often seen as both new and revolutionary and he continuously finds the most radical ways to reduce prices. Still, the organization itself is highly monitored and controlled as to successfully keep costs down in every part of the value chain. Furthermore, as commonly seen in these types of strategy tendencies, Michael O’Leary is strongly associated with the company. As described in the article, â€Å"O’Leary chose to embody the role of a cheap, no-nonsense, slightly unpleasant Everyman, which he would exploit to sell a cheap, slightly unpleasant flying experience to the Everyman. Arguably, M. O’Leary is Ryanair. 2. According to current popular theories creativity is concerned with novelty and individualism. For an idea to be considered novel, it should provide something new or a new combination of elements. The individualism concerns the originator of the idea who is seen as a â€Å"brain†who needs space and loose control to be able to flourish. The psychological theory modifies this idea by taking away the component of individualism and adding the idea of value and meaning. For an idea to be creative, the innovation also needs to be valuable and give meaning. Merely innovation is not enough. Both the concept of innovation and the one of value is context dependent; to whom is the idea novel and to whom will it give meaning and value? According to Margaret Boden, novelty can be defined as new to the individual, H-creativity, or new to the world, P-creativity. A novel idea should be able to fit into one of these two. For an idea to give value and meaning it has to be â€Å"fit for purpose†and there will be different criterions for different situations. In a business context, a creative idea could be valuable if it improves the return on investment or if it fits with the times. In another context, a panel of experts might decide if the innovation is valuable or not. An idea might also be defined as valuable if it has a specific intention. 2. 1 Ryanair has a low-cost strategy with the vision to be â€Å"quick, efficient, affordable and safe†. Michael O'Leary is a visionary leader with â€Å"nutty†ideas that are considered radical by the rest of the airline industry. O'Leary says that in the airline business, organizations need to have a radical point of view otherwise everything will stay the same. However, new ideas should be in line with the low cost strategy of the company. Could the Ryanair idea of removing the pockets on the back of the seats be considered creative? It decreased Ryanair’s cleaning time and thereby also the turn-around time at the airport and increased the punctuality. The idea was a new combination of elements and was new to the airline industry. It could therefore be argued to be novel. The idea was valuable for customers as it fulfilled the criterion of fitness to times: customers are more time-sensitive today and therefore values on-time flights. O'Leary argued that it is also valuable for the customers as they are price-sensitive, they do not want to have a pleasant experience; they just want to be transported from A to B. For Ryanair, the idea is valuable as it decreases costs and improves the company's return on investment. At Ryanair, the organizational style of change is incremental: the company is continuously improving and developing itself. One distinguishing feature of this style is that change is happening even though the company is not in a maturity state or crisis of their life cycle. This is apparent as the company has presented net profits in 9 out of 10 recent years. The changes at Ryanair might look as radical to the rest of the airline industry, but it is in line with today's price-sensitive society. O'Leary is boundary tweaking; he is not thinking entirely outside the box but merely â€Å"modifying the edges of the core business†. It can be questioned if Ryanair sometimes make change just for change's sake. There is an impression that O'Leary might implement changes (or propose them) just to provoke the industry. And is cheaper always more valuable? Do customer's still value cheap tickets if they have to stand up or pay for the toilet?
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Problems in the Computer Assembly Division Essay
1.A clear statement of the problem As the assembly unit supervisor of a small computer manufacturing firm located in the southeast, I am in charge of a five- person operation responsible for assembling personal computers. My production goals include assembling 80 personal computers per day and ensuring 95% of these computers pass the operational inspection of the quality assurance unit. Over the past several weeks I have noticed that my team is not completing enough computers, and the average fell down to only 62 computers a day. Also, 15% of the computers assembled have been returned, as they are failing to meet the quality assurance standards. Furthermore, there is an issue with the supply parts, which I was told come in defective. There are also very serious problems associated with my subordinates. Bill and Morgan are taking advantage of time, coming to work late and taking longer lunch hours than permitted. There is also a substantial drop in the communication among the group members, as Morgan, Julie and Bill ex clude Fred and Sherry from their conversations. Lastly, workers feel favoritism toward Julie and Morgan, and Sherry announced that she wants to leave because of all the infighting in the assembly unit. It all comes down to the problem relating to the performance and the morale of my work unit. 2. Stakeholders in charge of a 5 person operation, goal of 80PC with 95% good b.Fred: assembles all hard drives, retired army sergeant, 16 years experience in electronics, 6 years assembling hard drives, claims to not be getting reliable parts from supplies so repairs parts self instead of waiting, has been keeping to himself c.Bill: assembles CD ROMs and floppy disks, new out of school, first full time job, 20 years old, in assemble unit for 1 year, takes longer than permitted lunch breaks but claims to stay later, talks only to Julie and Morgan d.Sherry: assembles mother boards, single mom of 2, completing bachelor’s degree in 3 months, has been with company for 4 years, has threatened to leave. She is an outstanding employee e.Julie: final assembly, 6 month experience, 22 years old, sister in law of owner, thinks Fred is doing a slow and shoddy job, talks to Morgan during first 2 hours, seems bored, singled out by owner with a 5% pay increase, talks only to Bill and Morgan f.Morgan: 5 years experience, only attended company’s operational inspection course, 6 months working in your unit, performs final inspections, comes late but claims to stay late, given days off to attend high school reunion, talks only to Bill and Julie g.Owner: concerned with morale and performance of work unit, man of action, wants specific plan 4.What if to solutions a.If we rotate the jobs, team members will be forced to learn something new, thus decreasing boredom. However, some employees may not have the proper training to do so. b.if we have Fred train Bill and Bill train Fred, then both will experience new jobs, while being forced to actually communicate with each other c. if we make Julie in charge of both the final assembly and inspection, then she will have more to do and not get bored. However, she might lack the education needed to fulfill two jobs, and thus might be sending out bad parts d.If we make sure people start on time and take proper lunch breaks, then people will be not be forced to rush through work. However, this may cause boredom because people will feel the pace is too slow.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Vitamin C concentration (Bio lab report) essays
Vitamin C concentration (Bio lab report) essays What is the concentration level of vitamin C in freshly squeezed orange juice, Fanta, Nikoline and Rigtig Juice. How does the soda compare to real juices? Will the freshly squeezed orange juice contain more vitamin C than the sodas? Basically I want to prove that freshly squeezed orange juice contains more vitamin C than other juices, including sodas, and prove that sodas arent as healthy as companies, such as the ones who manufacture Nikoline and Fanta, claim they are to be. I believe that the freshly squeezed orange juice will contain a lot more than all the other juices. Rigtig Juice will score the second highest, Nikoline the third and Fanta the fourth. The reason for this is that all the juices Ive mentioned have been processed and mixed with water to save costs, as well as additions such as flavour enhancements and other substances added. With all the extra ingredients added, the vitamin C level will be low. Independent Type of Juice Amount of juice added Dependent Concentration of Vitamin C 20 test tubes (4 solutions * 5 trials) Step one: To properly collect the data it would be best to make a table with the solution of the left side and the number of trials on the top. Be sure that each trial has enough space to note down the drops of Iodine needed to show the concentration (Ill explain this in further detail later) and the vitamin C concentration of mg/L. We chose to have 5 different trials and average them all to ensure a better accuracy. Step two: Put 1 ml of each substance into 4 test tubes. Remember to mark each tube so you know what is what. Now that you have the solutions, youre now ready to start the experiment. F ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Political Parties and the Facebook Founder
Political Parties and the Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg says hes neither a Democrat nor a Republican. But his social media network, Facebook, has played a huge role in American politics, particularly the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Zuckerberg Isnt Affiliated With a Major Party Zuckerberg is registered to vote in Santa Clara County, California, but does not identify himself as being affiliated with the Republican, Democrat or any other party, according to a 2013 report in the Wall Street Journal. I think its hard to affiliate as being either a Democrat or a Republican. Im pro knowledge economy, Zuckerberg said in September 2016. Facebook Political Action Committee The Facebook cofounder and his companys political action committee have given tens of thousands of dollars to political candidates of both parties in recent years, a relatively small amount relative to the vast sums of money flowing through the election process. Yet the billionaire’s spending on campaigns does not tell us much about his political affiliation, a topic of much speculation. Zuckerberg is a major contributor to Facebook’s political-action committee, called Facebook Inc. PAC. He’s given $25,000 to the PAC since 2011, according to federal records. The Facebook PAC raised nearly $350,000 in the 2012 election cycle. It spent $277,675 supporting federal candidates; Facebook spent more on Republicans ($144,000) than it did on Democrats ($125,000). In the 2016 elections, Facebook PAC spent $517,000 supporting federal candidates. In all, 56 percent went to Republicans and 44 percent went to Democrats. In the 2018 election cycle, Facebook PAC spent $278,000 supporting candidates for federal office, mostly on Republicans, records show. Zuckerberg did, however, give his largest one-time donation to the Democratic Party in San Francisco in 2015 when he cut a check for $10,000, according to Federal Election Commission records. He has sharply criticized President Trumps Republican immigration policies, saying he was concerned about the impact of the presidents first executive orders. We need to keep this country safe, but we should do that by focusing on people who actually pose a threat, Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page. Expanding the focus of law enforcement beyond people who are real threats would make all Americans less safe by diverting resources, while millions of undocumented folks who dont pose a threat will live in fear of deportation. Zuckerbergs large donation to Democrats and his criticism of Trump have led some to the conclusion that the Facebook CEO is a Democrat. But Zuckerberg did not contribute to anyone in the 2016 congressional or presidential races, not even Democrat Hillary Clinton. He also stayed out of the 2018 midterm elections, records show. But Zuckerberg and Facebook have nonetheless come under intense scrutiny for the social networks outsized influence on American political discourse, in particular its role in the 2016 election. Campaign Contributions to Republicans and Democrats Zuckerberg himself has contributed to: Sean Eldridge: Zuckerberg contributed the maximum $5,200 to the Republican House candidate’s campaign committee in 2013. Eldridge is husband of Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, according to the National Journal.Orrin G. Hatch: Zuckerberg contributed the maximum $5,200 to the Republican senator from Utah’s campaign committee in 2013.Marco Rubio: Zuckerberg contributed the maximum $5,200 to the Republican senator from Florida’s campaign committee in 2013.Paul D. Ryan: Zuckerberg contributed $2,600 to the failed 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee and House member in 2014.Charles E. Schumer: Zuckerberg contributed the maximum $5,200 to the Democratic senator from New York’s campaign committee in 2013.Cory Booker: Zuckerberg also contributed $7,800 in 2013 to the prominent member of the Democratic Party and senator who is widely believed to be a leading candidate for president as soon as 2020. But Zuckerberg sought and received a full ref und for unexplained reasons. Facebooks Role in the 2016 Election Facebook has drawn fire not for its or its founders campaign contributions, however, but for its business practices. The company has been criticized for allowing partisan third parties (one of which had ties to the Trump campaign) to collect data about users, and for allowing its platform to serve as a tool for Russian groups seeking to sow discord among the American electorate. Zuckerberg was called to testify in his own defense before members of Congress who had express concern for user privacy. The companys largest controversy to date has been the disclosure, first reported by The New York Times, that a political consulting firm harvested the data of tens of millions of Facebook users, information that was later used to build psychological profiles of potential voters in 2016. The firm, Cambridge Analytica, worked for the Trump campaign in 2016. Its misuse of the data prompted internal investigations by Facebook and the suspension of about 200 apps. Facebook was also hammered by policymakers for allowing the proliferation of misinformation, often called fake news, across its platform- misinformation that was designed to disrupt the election process, government officials have said. A Kremlin-backed firm called the Internet Research Agency purchased thousands of derogatory Facebook ads as part of its operations to interfere in elections and political processes,†federal prosecutors allege. Facebook did little, if anything, to discourage the spread of misinformation before and during the campaign. Zuckerberg and Facebook launched efforts to take down fake accounts and misinformation. The social media cofounder told members of Congress the company previously didnt take a broad enough view of our responsibility, and that was a big mistake. It was my mistake, and Im sorry. I started Facebook, I run it, and Im responsible for what happens here. Political Advocacy Zuckerberg is among the tech leaders behind, or Forward U.S. The group is organized as a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization under Internal Revenue Service code. That means it can spend money on electioneering or make contributions to super PACs without naming individual donors. spent $600,000 on lobbying for immigration reform in 2013, according to the Center For Responsive Politics in Washington. The group’s primary mission is to get policy makers to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes, among other tenets, a pathway to citizenship for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States who do not have legal status. Zuckerberg and many tech leaders are lobbying Congress to pass measures that would allow for more temporary visas to be issued to high-skilled workers. The contributions to individual members of congress or candidates listed above are examples of his support for those who back immigration reform. Zuckerberg, though he personally has contributed to Republican political campaigns, has said the is nonpartisan. â€Å"We will work with members of Congress from both parties, the administration and state and local officials,†Zuckerberg wrote in The Washington Post. â€Å"We will use online and offline advocacy tools to build support for policy changes, and we will strongly support those willing to take the tough stands necessary to promote these policies in Washington.â€
Sunday, November 3, 2019
RFP Correspondence management system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
RFP Correspondence management system - Essay Example Reducing the number of steps the correspondences/documents go through in their path till they reach their final destination. This should be fixed by creating a user friendly interface where many easy to identify icons are placed for the user to assign task and route documents for action. Saving time and effort through giving the ability to trace the correspondences/documents state in terms of knowing their location in the department(s), who is the person responsible to take actions against them, delays, bottleneck etc†¦ Create Adobe PDF files for archiving and auditing and send the files to a preferred location for easy access when required. It also maintains an audit trail at each phase of the material management process. Provide post go-live support for 3 year for system maintenance and administration. This is to ensure that the system is updated to tailor upcoming needs and errors unforeseen during system development are corrected. All bidders to provide list of staff of those will be working in the project and proposed organization chart. Bidder should provide CVs with the proposal for Project Manager and system architects, web designers and developers for DEWA review and approval. Bidders shall be responsible to ensure that their company, solution providers, developers, sub-contractors, and suppliersare capableto satisfactorily meet the project requirements. This shall be done prior to submitting proposal to DEWA. In making the selection, DEWA will not be bound to award the tender to the lowest bidder. DEWA will take into consideration the prices offered, features and technology offered, proposed designs, delivery dates, cost for training and maintenance or any other elements which could affect the final cost to DEWA and the suitability of the solution. DEWA reserves the right to request the bidders to arrange for a demonstration/trainingto better
Friday, November 1, 2019
Describe the types of communication mechanisms that can be adopted by Essay
Describe the types of communication mechanisms that can be adopted by A&S fashions limited to help ensure better understanding a - Essay Example Staff members who will receive the message are the decoder while the channeling could be through word of mouth or a written memo. Once the staff members receive the message, they may relay back some feedback to management. In this paper, the most effective ways Alex and Sons fashion limited could use to help solve structural and coordination problems it is currently facing will be outlined. The paper will identify the exact coordination problem that faces this business. Further, it will formulate a work plan on the best way forward. Alex and sons fashion limited faces a few coordination/communication problems. The marketing department feels that the human resource people are not recruiting the right talent to drive sales upwards. They also feel that the finance department is not allocating enough funds to enable it carry out promotions and marketing operations. Marketing department also has a query with the people in logistics and operations unit (O'rourke, 2009, p.23). They belie ve that this department is taking too long to deliver inventory such that once it arrives to the trading floor, it is no longer fashionable and customers will not buy. The operation department feels that their suppliers are being lured by more attractive incentives from the competitions and as such are not as responsive to their supplies team. They also feel that the marketing department is not motivating their people with incentive such as bonuses and commissions to help drive sales upwards. Further, they believe that the finance department is not allocating enough resources to recruit better designers. The finance department in turn thinks that if all departments could work together, they could meet the company’s goal that is to maximize profit. The result of this will in turn mean that they have enough funds to disburse to different departments. The staff members also have issues with the management team. As result of remarks made by Alex recently in an interview, the staf f feel threatened and have issued a strike notice and gone ahead to strike. They want their job security and the temporary workers want to be employed on a permanent basis with benefits. To solve this myriad of problems, the following communication techniques can be employed. Bringing in an expert in communication can be a very effective way to solve some of these problems. The expert may organize seminars, training or lectures on communication. Timely advice on the best way forward and detailed action plan would be draw by the expert. The guru could work on a consultancy basis and will be coming in to monitor how effective the techniques suggested are coming through (Fielding, 2005, p.34). There are several firms involved in communication, most charge a few hundred pounds to several pounds depending on the duration they will be involved with a firm. One of the best ways to improve communication in an organization is to solicit feedback from each member on how effective they thin k each member communicates. A&S fashion limited could organize weekly meetings solely dedicated to this. At these meetings, members would solicit feedback and further ask for suggestion on the best communication techniques they think would apply to them (Coghill & Garson, 2006, p.54). In addition, weekly status report should be organized. During this meeting, what has been
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
California Vaccine Mandate Bill Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
California Vaccine Mandate Bill - Research Paper Example Initially, the philosophical exemption law protected some groups of Americans against mandatory vaccination based on their religious and philosophical perspectives of them. It means that while it is almost necessary that children are vaccinated before they enter school, some children were exempted. However, the California vaccine mandate bill will eliminate the privilege starting 2016 (McGreevy, 2015). Therefore, the implication of the new bill is that families with negative religious beliefs will no longer be exempted. The new bill demands that a greater number of Californian children is vaccinated before they enter schools. According to the LA Times (April 22, 2015), the Senate passed the legislation on Wednesday 28, 2015 and will become a law beginning 2016 (McGreevy, 2015). The bill also provides that have negative perception of vaccines as a way of protecting their interests. There is a question of how suitable the proposed legislation is towards safeguarding of the rights of re ligious minorities in the state. While there is an acknowledgement of the rights of minority groups in the state, the new legislation will undermine such a privilege. The rationale for the deduction is that as some parents already complained, the number of children in schools will go lower. The reasoning is simple because parents with such beliefs will opt to keep their children away from schools as a way of protecting their interests. Some may argue that the legislation provides for parents with such opinions to home school their children.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Risk Factors for Solitary Seizures
Risk Factors for Solitary Seizures DISCUSSION The aim of this study is to find out the underlying risk factors involved in recurrence of solitary seizure in patient with normal neuroimaging, in patients in whom treatment is not initiated. This will help to guide the patients who are at risk for recurrence. After the detailed history and clinical examination, laboratory and electroencephalogram and imaging, we analyzed the similarities and differences which will help in making conclusions from this study. Comparisons were done with other studies conducted related to this study. In present study total number of 110 cases from OPD (Medicine) and those admitted in wards, Command hospital, southern command, Pune with history of solitary seizure was taken after satisfying the inclusion criteria. In a study by Mussico24 in 2002, subjects less than 25years constituted 48% as compared to 50% in present study i.e 55 cases were < 25 years. Mean age at the time of seizure was 32 years in study of Von Donselaar23 in 2000 and 24.8 years in the study of Mussico24. The mean age at the time of seizure in our study is 29.62 years. The youngest patient was of 18 year and the oldest patient was 70 year old. Hopkins25 in 1998 conducted a study in which most frequent age range was 16-29 years. . This is similar to result of Von Donselaar23 (2000) concluded from his study of subjects who are 20 years or more, in which the most frequently affected age group is 30 years. Study regarding duration of new onset seizure showed that out of 60 cases, 38 cases (63.33%) had seizure for 10 Min. Mean duration of seizure was 5.11 min in our study as compared to 6.23 min in a study by Bernal B, Altman NR58 (2003). Maximum patient (30 cases; 60%) had seizure duration less than 5 min which is similar to the study done by Benbadis SR 59et al. (1995). Male to female ratio is 11:1 in present study. Annegers26 (1996) and Bora27(1995) found a slight preponderance of female cases in their study. Many authors(Von Donselaar23 2000, Mussico24 2002, Hopkins40 1998) report a mild to moderate preponderance of males in their studies. Imaging was done in all 110 cases. It was abnormal in 34 cases (31%) and normal in 76% cases. In patients with with abnormal neuroimaging, antiepileptic treatment was started and remaining cases were followed up for 12 months for recurrence. Bernal B, Altman NR58 (2003) found 37% CT head abnormality in patients presented with single seizure. Wallace60 (1974) conducted a study in which imaging revealed abnormality in 51 out of 132 subjects (38%). But reports in various study varies from 19% (Young34 et al 1982) to 51% (Rogel Ortiz50 F, 2006). CT was diagnostic in 34% case of generalized seizure shown in study by Scolloni Lanzurri G72 (1977) In present study, abnormal EEG was seen in 14 cases (12.73%) out of 110 cases. A Berg and D. Bettis et al98 (2000) found abnormal EEG in 42% of cases of singles seizure during post ictal period in their study. In study done by Van donselar 23(2000), EEG found epileptiform discharges in 29% subjects. In present study, all patient with abnormal EEG or imaging were started on antiepileptics and remaining patient with normal EEG/ imaging were not given antiepileptic treatment (60 cases) and followed up for 1 year for recurrence. Risk factors were studed in recurrence and non recurrence group. Various risk factors such as family history of seizures, childhood convulsion, past history/ evidence of tuberculosis, developmental delay, history of alcohol intake, head injury and sleep deprivation, abnormal neurological examination were studied and were compared with different studies. Family history was present in 3 cases (5%) out of total 60 cases which were followed up in our study, out of 3 cases(5%) with family history of seizure, 1 case has shown recurrence, while Shinnar S and Berg AT 41(1998) found positive family history in 5% of cases which is similar to our study. History of developmental delay was present in 2 cases (3.3%), and history of febrile convulsion were present in 4 cases (6.67%) among the untreated follow up group. Annegers26 (1996) and Bora27 (1996) have shown that neurologic deficit from birth was more common in association with seizure in males as compared to females in their studies. . 3 cases (5%) had history of Alcoholism. (Alc E 1997) shown that alcohol use has been to be a powerful risk factor for a first generalized tonic clonic seizure. Out of 60 cases which were followed, 24 cases had one or more of the above mentioned risk factor. Out of these 24, 4 cases recurred ( 17 %). While in patients without these risk factors i.e in 36 cases only 6 % cases (2 cases) recurred. Hence, presence of these risk factors increases the rate of recurrence in cases of single seizure. American College of Emergency Physician Policy (2004)38 also state that rate of recurrence is more in those patent who has one or more of these risk factors and should be treated with antiepileptic treatment irrespective of CT head and EEG. Out of total number of 6 recurrence, 1(16.7%) occurred within 7 days, 3 (50%) occurred within next 21 days of first seizure, 1 (16.7%) occurred within 1 to 3 months of first seizure. Hence, risk of recurrence decreased with passage of time. Scotoni49 et al (1999) and Das46 et al (2006) has also reported recurrence rate to be much higher in first three months. Rate of recurrence was 10 % in our study i.e. out of 60 patients with solitary unprovoked seizure with normal neurological examination and normal neuroimaging which were followed up for 12 months, 6 cases has shown recurrence, and almost all cases recurred in first 3 months. In previous studies done, rate of recurrence varied from 16% to 71 % (Treinman DM55, 1993), but follow up duration was different. In a study by D. Chadwick48 et al (Lancet 2006), recurrence rate was 21% in follow up of 1 year, most cases recurred within 3 months which is comparable to our study. Scotoni AE et al49 (1999) conducted the study rate of recurrence was 18%, duration of follow up was 6 months in this study. Out of 60 untreated cases 6 (10.0%) had recurrence in next 12 month. 3 cases in 18-25 age group (10.34%),1 cases in 26-35 age group (5.88%),1 case in 36-45 age group (12.50 %),0 case in 46-55 age group and 1 case in >55 age group(50.0%) had recurrence. In study by Mussico 24(2002) in which less than 16 years age group has double the recurrence risk of seizure as compared to 16-60 years age group. 6/ 60 cases had recurrence out of which 4 cases were male and 2 were female, total cases in male group were 55 and in female group were 5, hence recurrence rate was 7.3% in male and 40% in female. This sex difference in our study is due to cases were taken in military hospital, male population is more In study by D. Chadwick 18et al (2006), sex difference in recurrence and non recurrence group was not very significant. Study regarding duration of new onset seizure showed that out of 60 cases, 38 cases (63.33%) had seizure for 10 Min. The mean duration of seizure in recurrence group was 8.17 Â ± 4.44 min as compared to 4.7 Â ± 3.0 min in non recurrence group. Incidence of seizure recurrence is more in patients with longer duration of seizure. Duration of seizure at initial presentation was 10.1 + 5.2 min in the recurrence group and 6.5 + 4.1 min in the non recurrence group in a study by Das C.P.46 et al (2006). Martinovic and Jovic et al 51(2004) conducted a study in which the mean duration of seizure was 26.4 min in recurrence group and 4.6 min non recurrence group in a study. In one of 6 patients(16.6%) in recurrence group, family history of seizure was present compared to study conducted by Das46 et al (2006) and Hauser 43 (1998) repoted that sibling affected with epilepsy is a risk factor for recurrence of seizure in patients with solitary seizure. In our study, history of alcohol intake was present in 16.6% cases in recurrence group as compared to 3.70 % in non recurrence group which is same as those of alcohol and epilepsy study group (1997). Earnest and Feldman et al61 (1988) found similar results history of alcoholism in 12% of recurrent cases after single seizure.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Short-term Significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis between the US
The event of the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 was the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war. Fifteen years into the cold war, the two superpowers continued the fierce competition to increase their military strength. In 1962, the Soviet Union was desperately behind the United States in the nuclear arms race. Soviet missiles were only powerful enough to be launched against Europe, whereas the US missiles were capable of striking the entire Soviet Union. In late April 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev conceived the idea of placing intermediate-range missiles in Cuba which would double the Soviet strategic arsenal and provide a real deterrent to a potential U.S. attack against the Soviet Union. The fate of millions literally hinged upon the ability of two men, President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev, to reach a compromise. The sources I have researched strongly agree that it was President Kennedy who was very determined to prevent the world from anot her war. They also show that the crisis was not just a conflict about missiles; it was a conflict of contradictory philosophies, ideologies and power. John F. Kennedy, the newly chosen American president, and the Soviet premier met in Vienna to discuss the east-west confrontation, in particular, the situation in Berlin over the Berlin Wall. They resolved nothing, and Khrushchev left the June 1961 summit thinking Kennedy was a weak president. This could have been the point where Khrushchev thought he could overcome Kennedy and, therefore, make his pathway towards gaining the world power. His first major task was, therefore, to bond with Fidel Castro. Cuban President Fidel Castro was looking for a way to defend his nation from an attack by the U.S. Eve... ... like the ones based in Cuba. Find in: Primary Sources 4. Tompson 1995, p. 248. 5. â€Å"Political Cartoon.†1962. Google Images. This is a cartoon showing the struggle between Kennedy and Khrushchev. Find in: Primary sources 6. The Washington Post article â€Å"Soviets Knew Date of Cuba Attack†. Find in: Primary Sources 7. Letter: Khrushchev to Kennedy, 26 October 1962. Find in: Primary Sources 8. Letter: Khrushchev to Kennedy, 28 October 1962. Find in: Primary Sources 9. Letter: Kennedy to Khrushchev, 27 October 1962. Find in: Primary Sources 1. Tompson, William J. (1995), Khrushchev: A Political Life, St. Martin's Press, ISBN 0-312-12365-5 2. Kellner, Douglas (1989). Ernesto "Che" Guevara (World Leaders Past & Present). Chelsea House Publishers. pp. 112. ISBN 1555468357. 3.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Increasing the Educational Benefits of War Veterans Essay
It is tough to be an American soldier. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the mainland, the United States of America has been on the offensive in hunting down the terrorists responsible for the crime. The US launched a war against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and a few years after in Iraq. And in order to sustain the offensive, more American youths are drafted to join the military. America’s military men and women serve as national role models for their selfless sacrifice. They spend more than a year in the front lines combating terrorists, insurgents and help liberating foreign lands from the tyranny. Soldiers help rebuild war torn nations through much needed infrastructure and by introducing democracy. But as the war on terror drags, the number of enlisted men killed in encounters increase day by day. More and more troops return home suffering from debilitating injuries, not just the physical but including invisible scars of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The patience and vigilance of America’s military men and women have preserved peace, stability and helped fulfill the nation’s destiny. It is therefore reasonable that they receive all the needed support and remuneration after serving the country. War veterans acquire assistance and benefits through the G. I. Bill. The original G. I. Bill officially known as the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 provided college or vocational education (covered full tuition at public or private schools, fees, books, and a living stipend) for returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as or G. I. ’s) as well expensive healthcare. It also provided loans for returning veterans to buy homes and start businesses (Hyman 1986). The G. I. Bill helped around 7. 8 million the World War II veterans re-adjust to civilian life. The unprecedented educational opportunity immensely transformed the American society. A whole generation of blue-collar workers became engineers, doctors, lawyers, teachers and entrepreneurs (Humes, 2006). The G. I. Bill was one of America’s most successful investments. According to the 1988 report for Congress’s Subcommittee on Education and Health of the Joint Economic Committee by 1952, the US government had spent $14 billion (1952 dollars) on educational and job training benefits for 7. 8 million veterans. Of these funds, $7 billion was spent on college and graduate school for 2. 2 million G. I. ’s. ? The first benefit from this investment was increased growth in the economy. The report calculated that about 40 percent of those who took advantage of the G. I. Bill would not otherwise have been able to attend college. The extra output those people created in the economy amounted to $35. 6 billion (1952 dollars after factoring out inflation) over the next 35 years. There is no doubt that better educated veterans have higher income levels that will inevitably increase tax revenues. For instance according to the same report, for every $1 invested in education under the original G. I. Bill of 1944, the government received at least $6. 90 in return economic benefits such as increased tax revenue. Unfortunately at present time, the educational benefits provided for by the G. I. bill is not enough to cover even the educational expenses of the war veterans. The sad reality is that while the cost of an education has increased, the benefits available to veterans have decreased. To obtain a college education, veterans must pay their own tuition, room and board and other college costs and then are reimbursed only up to their eligible benefit amount over the course of the semester. In 2005-2006, the average cost of a four-year college (tuition, fees, and room and board) topped $17,000 a year. Yet full-time G. I. benefits covered barely more than half those expenses (USA Today, 2008). All these limitations effectively put the dream of higher education out of reach for far too many soldiers who have served the nation in the current wars. As the war on terror drags, the prospect of serving the country among young Americans appears gloomy. A sound G. I. Bill is critical to the military in meeting its recruitment goals and attracting high-quality college-bound high school graduates. In order to ensure a steadier stream of good recruits, the government must enact legislation that would increase the benefits received by the war veterans. Investing on American war veterans through the GI Bill proved to be one of the most rewarding investments the country had. We must renew the commitment to a new generation of men and women who have served our country with extraordinary courage and distinction. In so doing, they will achieve the better lives they so richly deserve and we will secure a better America. We need a revamped GI bill that would address the educational needs and other benefits of our war veterans. I propose that the veterans committee provide an increase in the educational benefits or if possible award the same benefits received by the World War II veterans to the new generation of US war heroes. References Labor Institute and Public Health Institute (1997). Corporate Power and the American Dream: Toward an Economic Agenda for Working People. New York: Apex Press. Hyman, H. M. (1986). American Singularity: The 1787 Northwest Ordinance, the 1862 Homestead and Morrill Acts, and the 1944 G. I. Bill. University of Georgia Press. Humes, E. (2006). Over Here: How the G. I. Bill Transformed the American Dream. Harcourt Brace. Marklein, M. B. (2007, June). How Far Do G. I. Benefits Go? USA TODAY. Retrieved: April 20, 2008 from USA TODAY website: http://www. usatoday. com/news/education/2007 07-10-gi-bill-report_N. htm Subcommittee on Education and Health of the Joint Economic Committee (1988). A Cost Benefit Analysis of Government Investment in Post-Secondary Education Under the World War II GI Bill.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Satyajit Ray’s First Original Screenplay
The film was first conceived to take place in a large mansion, but Ray later decided to film it in the famous hill town, using the many shades of light and mist to reflect the tension in the drama. An amused Ray noted that while his script allowed shooting to be possible under any lighting conditions, a commercial film contingent present at the same time in Darjeeling failed to shoot a single shot as they only wanted to do so in sunshine.. †fact remains that Ray shot this film with masterfully chosen available light conditions(read:no reflectors,you morons! to depict the subtle interplay of light and shade to blend in with progress of the storyline! (as an aside ray recounts the sad story of a Bollywood film crew who arrived in Darjeeling at the same time as ray's team,and were still waiting for the elusive sun to arrive so they could begin shooting by the time ray had his whole film in the can and packed up to go home! ) the climactic scene of the kanchenjungha suddenly makin g a brilliant appearance at the penultimate hour never fails to bring out goosebumps! efinitely recommended. The single most noteworthy feature about this movie is the equivalence of real time (total time of the day being depicted in movie) and movie time (total screening time). At least among the Indian movie makers, Ray is the first one who had done such experiment and of course, he succeeded comprehensively. It depicts a real time event of 100 minutes on screen. So, in order to understand ‘the drama' it's recommended to understand his language to the extent possible.It comprise snapshots of various human characteristics like pride, simplicity, carnal desires, thoughtlessness, romance, heroism and above all triumph of human spirits over conventional, social idiosyncrasy. All this happens in the hill station of Darjeeling, in the lap of nature with the picturesque eastern Himalayas in the backdrop. It is mentionable that the background of all the above characters, their thoug ht process and behavioral traits have been brilliantly presented through series of well conceived dialogues. Yes, only dialogues. No third person narratives. No visual manifestation in terms of flash back, dream sequences etc.In fact, the master storyteller has been able to generate such an evocative dialogue sequences that at the end of the film, the audience acquire full capacity to judge each and every character in the light of respective rationale. It is also noteworthy that Ray's characters never surpass the humane status quo. They reflect relevant cognitive behavior and contextual influences. Be it â€Å"Siddartha†in Pratidwandi or â€Å"Arindam†in Nayak, one can never expect Ray's protagonists molded in typical ubermanesque image in stark contrast to the so-called Heroes of Hollywood and Bollywood.It is also noteworthy that Ray's characters never surpass the humane status quo. They reflect relevant cognitive behavior and contextual influences. Be it â€Å"Sid dartha†in Pratidwandi or â€Å"Arindam†in Nayak, one can never expect Ray's protagonists molded in typical ubermanesque image in stark contrast to the so-called Heroes of Hollywood and Bollywood. Kanchenjungha substantiate that. The elitist, urban Mr. Banerjee asserts boastfully about his professional and materialistic achievements. He even confesses about his clandestine foreign affairs while wooing his ladylove Monisha.This refined gentleman also depicts a prosaic approach towards conjugality and life in general. Towards the end he displays an extremely liberal and tolerant attitude, which is commendable in the realms of dominating, patriarchal association. Any write-up on Kanchenjungha would remain unfinished if it doesn't mention the incorporation of ‘nature' that accentuated the varied moods of the film  An overcast evening to suggest unfavorable circumstances, mist to render underlying tension and sunshine to portray agreeable settlement.Finally th e mighty Kanchengha with all its splendor depict celebration of hope and aspiration. However, Ray has managed to remain an aloof and neutral presenter throughout the process of the film, which adds to the aesthetics of this cinematic masterpiece. This Ray film is fraught with imagery, symbolism, metaphors and weaves in a few independent stories together to culminate into an understanding of the human psyche.Coming to Kanchenjunga (the name belongs to the world's third tallest mountain peak which is said to be elusive to human eye as it's perennially clouded due to fog), the film follows a group of tourists on vacation in Darjeeling, a hill station – the first thing that comes to your mind is just how fraught the film is with metaphors- linking the human mind and attitudes to nature's marvels- thereby the dense fog which prevents our protagonist (played mesmerisingly by Chabi Biswas) from seeing Kanchenjunga clearly is symbolic of his myopic opinions and it is lifted in the la st scene where fter stripping himself away from all his erstwhile prejudices, he is able to view Kanchejunga for the first time. But, in the end, Kanchenjunga remains a film about human emotions which also talks about the socio- economic divide and dwells into the complex inflexible minds of some of us. The appropriate use of the natural lighting & weather conditions (may be the best in Ray's career).
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