Wednesday, October 30, 2019
California Vaccine Mandate Bill Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
California Vaccine Mandate Bill - Research Paper Example Initially, the philosophical exemption law protected some groups of Americans against mandatory vaccination based on their religious and philosophical perspectives of them. It means that while it is almost necessary that children are vaccinated before they enter school, some children were exempted. However, the California vaccine mandate bill will eliminate the privilege starting 2016 (McGreevy, 2015). Therefore, the implication of the new bill is that families with negative religious beliefs will no longer be exempted. The new bill demands that a greater number of Californian children is vaccinated before they enter schools. According to the LA Times (April 22, 2015), the Senate passed the legislation on Wednesday 28, 2015 and will become a law beginning 2016 (McGreevy, 2015). The bill also provides that have negative perception of vaccines as a way of protecting their interests. There is a question of how suitable the proposed legislation is towards safeguarding of the rights of re ligious minorities in the state. While there is an acknowledgement of the rights of minority groups in the state, the new legislation will undermine such a privilege. The rationale for the deduction is that as some parents already complained, the number of children in schools will go lower. The reasoning is simple because parents with such beliefs will opt to keep their children away from schools as a way of protecting their interests. Some may argue that the legislation provides for parents with such opinions to home school their children.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Risk Factors for Solitary Seizures
Risk Factors for Solitary Seizures DISCUSSION The aim of this study is to find out the underlying risk factors involved in recurrence of solitary seizure in patient with normal neuroimaging, in patients in whom treatment is not initiated. This will help to guide the patients who are at risk for recurrence. After the detailed history and clinical examination, laboratory and electroencephalogram and imaging, we analyzed the similarities and differences which will help in making conclusions from this study. Comparisons were done with other studies conducted related to this study. In present study total number of 110 cases from OPD (Medicine) and those admitted in wards, Command hospital, southern command, Pune with history of solitary seizure was taken after satisfying the inclusion criteria. In a study by Mussico24 in 2002, subjects less than 25years constituted 48% as compared to 50% in present study i.e 55 cases were < 25 years. Mean age at the time of seizure was 32 years in study of Von Donselaar23 in 2000 and 24.8 years in the study of Mussico24. The mean age at the time of seizure in our study is 29.62 years. The youngest patient was of 18 year and the oldest patient was 70 year old. Hopkins25 in 1998 conducted a study in which most frequent age range was 16-29 years. . This is similar to result of Von Donselaar23 (2000) concluded from his study of subjects who are 20 years or more, in which the most frequently affected age group is 30 years. Study regarding duration of new onset seizure showed that out of 60 cases, 38 cases (63.33%) had seizure for 10 Min. Mean duration of seizure was 5.11 min in our study as compared to 6.23 min in a study by Bernal B, Altman NR58 (2003). Maximum patient (30 cases; 60%) had seizure duration less than 5 min which is similar to the study done by Benbadis SR 59et al. (1995). Male to female ratio is 11:1 in present study. Annegers26 (1996) and Bora27(1995) found a slight preponderance of female cases in their study. Many authors(Von Donselaar23 2000, Mussico24 2002, Hopkins40 1998) report a mild to moderate preponderance of males in their studies. Imaging was done in all 110 cases. It was abnormal in 34 cases (31%) and normal in 76% cases. In patients with with abnormal neuroimaging, antiepileptic treatment was started and remaining cases were followed up for 12 months for recurrence. Bernal B, Altman NR58 (2003) found 37% CT head abnormality in patients presented with single seizure. Wallace60 (1974) conducted a study in which imaging revealed abnormality in 51 out of 132 subjects (38%). But reports in various study varies from 19% (Young34 et al 1982) to 51% (Rogel Ortiz50 F, 2006). CT was diagnostic in 34% case of generalized seizure shown in study by Scolloni Lanzurri G72 (1977) In present study, abnormal EEG was seen in 14 cases (12.73%) out of 110 cases. A Berg and D. Bettis et al98 (2000) found abnormal EEG in 42% of cases of singles seizure during post ictal period in their study. In study done by Van donselar 23(2000), EEG found epileptiform discharges in 29% subjects. In present study, all patient with abnormal EEG or imaging were started on antiepileptics and remaining patient with normal EEG/ imaging were not given antiepileptic treatment (60 cases) and followed up for 1 year for recurrence. Risk factors were studed in recurrence and non recurrence group. Various risk factors such as family history of seizures, childhood convulsion, past history/ evidence of tuberculosis, developmental delay, history of alcohol intake, head injury and sleep deprivation, abnormal neurological examination were studied and were compared with different studies. Family history was present in 3 cases (5%) out of total 60 cases which were followed up in our study, out of 3 cases(5%) with family history of seizure, 1 case has shown recurrence, while Shinnar S and Berg AT 41(1998) found positive family history in 5% of cases which is similar to our study. History of developmental delay was present in 2 cases (3.3%), and history of febrile convulsion were present in 4 cases (6.67%) among the untreated follow up group. Annegers26 (1996) and Bora27 (1996) have shown that neurologic deficit from birth was more common in association with seizure in males as compared to females in their studies. . 3 cases (5%) had history of Alcoholism. (Alc E 1997) shown that alcohol use has been to be a powerful risk factor for a first generalized tonic clonic seizure. Out of 60 cases which were followed, 24 cases had one or more of the above mentioned risk factor. Out of these 24, 4 cases recurred ( 17 %). While in patients without these risk factors i.e in 36 cases only 6 % cases (2 cases) recurred. Hence, presence of these risk factors increases the rate of recurrence in cases of single seizure. American College of Emergency Physician Policy (2004)38 also state that rate of recurrence is more in those patent who has one or more of these risk factors and should be treated with antiepileptic treatment irrespective of CT head and EEG. Out of total number of 6 recurrence, 1(16.7%) occurred within 7 days, 3 (50%) occurred within next 21 days of first seizure, 1 (16.7%) occurred within 1 to 3 months of first seizure. Hence, risk of recurrence decreased with passage of time. Scotoni49 et al (1999) and Das46 et al (2006) has also reported recurrence rate to be much higher in first three months. Rate of recurrence was 10 % in our study i.e. out of 60 patients with solitary unprovoked seizure with normal neurological examination and normal neuroimaging which were followed up for 12 months, 6 cases has shown recurrence, and almost all cases recurred in first 3 months. In previous studies done, rate of recurrence varied from 16% to 71 % (Treinman DM55, 1993), but follow up duration was different. In a study by D. Chadwick48 et al (Lancet 2006), recurrence rate was 21% in follow up of 1 year, most cases recurred within 3 months which is comparable to our study. Scotoni AE et al49 (1999) conducted the study rate of recurrence was 18%, duration of follow up was 6 months in this study. Out of 60 untreated cases 6 (10.0%) had recurrence in next 12 month. 3 cases in 18-25 age group (10.34%),1 cases in 26-35 age group (5.88%),1 case in 36-45 age group (12.50 %),0 case in 46-55 age group and 1 case in >55 age group(50.0%) had recurrence. In study by Mussico 24(2002) in which less than 16 years age group has double the recurrence risk of seizure as compared to 16-60 years age group. 6/ 60 cases had recurrence out of which 4 cases were male and 2 were female, total cases in male group were 55 and in female group were 5, hence recurrence rate was 7.3% in male and 40% in female. This sex difference in our study is due to cases were taken in military hospital, male population is more In study by D. Chadwick 18et al (2006), sex difference in recurrence and non recurrence group was not very significant. Study regarding duration of new onset seizure showed that out of 60 cases, 38 cases (63.33%) had seizure for 10 Min. The mean duration of seizure in recurrence group was 8.17 Â ± 4.44 min as compared to 4.7 Â ± 3.0 min in non recurrence group. Incidence of seizure recurrence is more in patients with longer duration of seizure. Duration of seizure at initial presentation was 10.1 + 5.2 min in the recurrence group and 6.5 + 4.1 min in the non recurrence group in a study by Das C.P.46 et al (2006). Martinovic and Jovic et al 51(2004) conducted a study in which the mean duration of seizure was 26.4 min in recurrence group and 4.6 min non recurrence group in a study. In one of 6 patients(16.6%) in recurrence group, family history of seizure was present compared to study conducted by Das46 et al (2006) and Hauser 43 (1998) repoted that sibling affected with epilepsy is a risk factor for recurrence of seizure in patients with solitary seizure. In our study, history of alcohol intake was present in 16.6% cases in recurrence group as compared to 3.70 % in non recurrence group which is same as those of alcohol and epilepsy study group (1997). Earnest and Feldman et al61 (1988) found similar results history of alcoholism in 12% of recurrent cases after single seizure.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Short-term Significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis between the US
The event of the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 was the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war. Fifteen years into the cold war, the two superpowers continued the fierce competition to increase their military strength. In 1962, the Soviet Union was desperately behind the United States in the nuclear arms race. Soviet missiles were only powerful enough to be launched against Europe, whereas the US missiles were capable of striking the entire Soviet Union. In late April 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev conceived the idea of placing intermediate-range missiles in Cuba which would double the Soviet strategic arsenal and provide a real deterrent to a potential U.S. attack against the Soviet Union. The fate of millions literally hinged upon the ability of two men, President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev, to reach a compromise. The sources I have researched strongly agree that it was President Kennedy who was very determined to prevent the world from anot her war. They also show that the crisis was not just a conflict about missiles; it was a conflict of contradictory philosophies, ideologies and power. John F. Kennedy, the newly chosen American president, and the Soviet premier met in Vienna to discuss the east-west confrontation, in particular, the situation in Berlin over the Berlin Wall. They resolved nothing, and Khrushchev left the June 1961 summit thinking Kennedy was a weak president. This could have been the point where Khrushchev thought he could overcome Kennedy and, therefore, make his pathway towards gaining the world power. His first major task was, therefore, to bond with Fidel Castro. Cuban President Fidel Castro was looking for a way to defend his nation from an attack by the U.S. Eve... ... like the ones based in Cuba. Find in: Primary Sources 4. Tompson 1995, p. 248. 5. â€Å"Political Cartoon.†1962. Google Images. This is a cartoon showing the struggle between Kennedy and Khrushchev. Find in: Primary sources 6. The Washington Post article â€Å"Soviets Knew Date of Cuba Attack†. Find in: Primary Sources 7. Letter: Khrushchev to Kennedy, 26 October 1962. Find in: Primary Sources 8. Letter: Khrushchev to Kennedy, 28 October 1962. Find in: Primary Sources 9. Letter: Kennedy to Khrushchev, 27 October 1962. Find in: Primary Sources 1. Tompson, William J. (1995), Khrushchev: A Political Life, St. Martin's Press, ISBN 0-312-12365-5 2. Kellner, Douglas (1989). Ernesto "Che" Guevara (World Leaders Past & Present). Chelsea House Publishers. pp. 112. ISBN 1555468357. 3.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Increasing the Educational Benefits of War Veterans Essay
It is tough to be an American soldier. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the mainland, the United States of America has been on the offensive in hunting down the terrorists responsible for the crime. The US launched a war against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and a few years after in Iraq. And in order to sustain the offensive, more American youths are drafted to join the military. America’s military men and women serve as national role models for their selfless sacrifice. They spend more than a year in the front lines combating terrorists, insurgents and help liberating foreign lands from the tyranny. Soldiers help rebuild war torn nations through much needed infrastructure and by introducing democracy. But as the war on terror drags, the number of enlisted men killed in encounters increase day by day. More and more troops return home suffering from debilitating injuries, not just the physical but including invisible scars of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The patience and vigilance of America’s military men and women have preserved peace, stability and helped fulfill the nation’s destiny. It is therefore reasonable that they receive all the needed support and remuneration after serving the country. War veterans acquire assistance and benefits through the G. I. Bill. The original G. I. Bill officially known as the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 provided college or vocational education (covered full tuition at public or private schools, fees, books, and a living stipend) for returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as or G. I. ’s) as well expensive healthcare. It also provided loans for returning veterans to buy homes and start businesses (Hyman 1986). The G. I. Bill helped around 7. 8 million the World War II veterans re-adjust to civilian life. The unprecedented educational opportunity immensely transformed the American society. A whole generation of blue-collar workers became engineers, doctors, lawyers, teachers and entrepreneurs (Humes, 2006). The G. I. Bill was one of America’s most successful investments. According to the 1988 report for Congress’s Subcommittee on Education and Health of the Joint Economic Committee by 1952, the US government had spent $14 billion (1952 dollars) on educational and job training benefits for 7. 8 million veterans. Of these funds, $7 billion was spent on college and graduate school for 2. 2 million G. I. ’s. ? The first benefit from this investment was increased growth in the economy. The report calculated that about 40 percent of those who took advantage of the G. I. Bill would not otherwise have been able to attend college. The extra output those people created in the economy amounted to $35. 6 billion (1952 dollars after factoring out inflation) over the next 35 years. There is no doubt that better educated veterans have higher income levels that will inevitably increase tax revenues. For instance according to the same report, for every $1 invested in education under the original G. I. Bill of 1944, the government received at least $6. 90 in return economic benefits such as increased tax revenue. Unfortunately at present time, the educational benefits provided for by the G. I. bill is not enough to cover even the educational expenses of the war veterans. The sad reality is that while the cost of an education has increased, the benefits available to veterans have decreased. To obtain a college education, veterans must pay their own tuition, room and board and other college costs and then are reimbursed only up to their eligible benefit amount over the course of the semester. In 2005-2006, the average cost of a four-year college (tuition, fees, and room and board) topped $17,000 a year. Yet full-time G. I. benefits covered barely more than half those expenses (USA Today, 2008). All these limitations effectively put the dream of higher education out of reach for far too many soldiers who have served the nation in the current wars. As the war on terror drags, the prospect of serving the country among young Americans appears gloomy. A sound G. I. Bill is critical to the military in meeting its recruitment goals and attracting high-quality college-bound high school graduates. In order to ensure a steadier stream of good recruits, the government must enact legislation that would increase the benefits received by the war veterans. Investing on American war veterans through the GI Bill proved to be one of the most rewarding investments the country had. We must renew the commitment to a new generation of men and women who have served our country with extraordinary courage and distinction. In so doing, they will achieve the better lives they so richly deserve and we will secure a better America. We need a revamped GI bill that would address the educational needs and other benefits of our war veterans. I propose that the veterans committee provide an increase in the educational benefits or if possible award the same benefits received by the World War II veterans to the new generation of US war heroes. References Labor Institute and Public Health Institute (1997). Corporate Power and the American Dream: Toward an Economic Agenda for Working People. New York: Apex Press. Hyman, H. M. (1986). American Singularity: The 1787 Northwest Ordinance, the 1862 Homestead and Morrill Acts, and the 1944 G. I. Bill. University of Georgia Press. Humes, E. (2006). Over Here: How the G. I. Bill Transformed the American Dream. Harcourt Brace. Marklein, M. B. (2007, June). How Far Do G. I. Benefits Go? USA TODAY. Retrieved: April 20, 2008 from USA TODAY website: http://www. usatoday. com/news/education/2007 07-10-gi-bill-report_N. htm Subcommittee on Education and Health of the Joint Economic Committee (1988). A Cost Benefit Analysis of Government Investment in Post-Secondary Education Under the World War II GI Bill.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Satyajit Ray’s First Original Screenplay
The film was first conceived to take place in a large mansion, but Ray later decided to film it in the famous hill town, using the many shades of light and mist to reflect the tension in the drama. An amused Ray noted that while his script allowed shooting to be possible under any lighting conditions, a commercial film contingent present at the same time in Darjeeling failed to shoot a single shot as they only wanted to do so in sunshine.. †fact remains that Ray shot this film with masterfully chosen available light conditions(read:no reflectors,you morons! to depict the subtle interplay of light and shade to blend in with progress of the storyline! (as an aside ray recounts the sad story of a Bollywood film crew who arrived in Darjeeling at the same time as ray's team,and were still waiting for the elusive sun to arrive so they could begin shooting by the time ray had his whole film in the can and packed up to go home! ) the climactic scene of the kanchenjungha suddenly makin g a brilliant appearance at the penultimate hour never fails to bring out goosebumps! efinitely recommended. The single most noteworthy feature about this movie is the equivalence of real time (total time of the day being depicted in movie) and movie time (total screening time). At least among the Indian movie makers, Ray is the first one who had done such experiment and of course, he succeeded comprehensively. It depicts a real time event of 100 minutes on screen. So, in order to understand ‘the drama' it's recommended to understand his language to the extent possible.It comprise snapshots of various human characteristics like pride, simplicity, carnal desires, thoughtlessness, romance, heroism and above all triumph of human spirits over conventional, social idiosyncrasy. All this happens in the hill station of Darjeeling, in the lap of nature with the picturesque eastern Himalayas in the backdrop. It is mentionable that the background of all the above characters, their thoug ht process and behavioral traits have been brilliantly presented through series of well conceived dialogues. Yes, only dialogues. No third person narratives. No visual manifestation in terms of flash back, dream sequences etc.In fact, the master storyteller has been able to generate such an evocative dialogue sequences that at the end of the film, the audience acquire full capacity to judge each and every character in the light of respective rationale. It is also noteworthy that Ray's characters never surpass the humane status quo. They reflect relevant cognitive behavior and contextual influences. Be it â€Å"Siddartha†in Pratidwandi or â€Å"Arindam†in Nayak, one can never expect Ray's protagonists molded in typical ubermanesque image in stark contrast to the so-called Heroes of Hollywood and Bollywood.It is also noteworthy that Ray's characters never surpass the humane status quo. They reflect relevant cognitive behavior and contextual influences. Be it â€Å"Sid dartha†in Pratidwandi or â€Å"Arindam†in Nayak, one can never expect Ray's protagonists molded in typical ubermanesque image in stark contrast to the so-called Heroes of Hollywood and Bollywood. Kanchenjungha substantiate that. The elitist, urban Mr. Banerjee asserts boastfully about his professional and materialistic achievements. He even confesses about his clandestine foreign affairs while wooing his ladylove Monisha.This refined gentleman also depicts a prosaic approach towards conjugality and life in general. Towards the end he displays an extremely liberal and tolerant attitude, which is commendable in the realms of dominating, patriarchal association. Any write-up on Kanchenjungha would remain unfinished if it doesn't mention the incorporation of ‘nature' that accentuated the varied moods of the film  An overcast evening to suggest unfavorable circumstances, mist to render underlying tension and sunshine to portray agreeable settlement.Finally th e mighty Kanchengha with all its splendor depict celebration of hope and aspiration. However, Ray has managed to remain an aloof and neutral presenter throughout the process of the film, which adds to the aesthetics of this cinematic masterpiece. This Ray film is fraught with imagery, symbolism, metaphors and weaves in a few independent stories together to culminate into an understanding of the human psyche.Coming to Kanchenjunga (the name belongs to the world's third tallest mountain peak which is said to be elusive to human eye as it's perennially clouded due to fog), the film follows a group of tourists on vacation in Darjeeling, a hill station – the first thing that comes to your mind is just how fraught the film is with metaphors- linking the human mind and attitudes to nature's marvels- thereby the dense fog which prevents our protagonist (played mesmerisingly by Chabi Biswas) from seeing Kanchenjunga clearly is symbolic of his myopic opinions and it is lifted in the la st scene where fter stripping himself away from all his erstwhile prejudices, he is able to view Kanchejunga for the first time. But, in the end, Kanchenjunga remains a film about human emotions which also talks about the socio- economic divide and dwells into the complex inflexible minds of some of us. The appropriate use of the natural lighting & weather conditions (may be the best in Ray's career).
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