Monday, January 27, 2020
Child Abuse: Long term harms
Child Abuse: Long term harms Parents today dont realize that the harm that they are doing to their children will eventually be passed down from generation to generation; their children are todays abused tomorrows abusers. Obviously, parents or guardians will not understand the impact that is caused to their child until they acknowledging there childs choice in life style. In particular, child abuse is a mistreatment of a child by a parent or guardian, including neglect, beating, and, sexual molestation (Salus). Child abuse has an enormous impact among many families globally because child abuse is a detrimental aspect of a childs life as well as the developmental stages in a childs life, which would cause them to have physical, psychological, or behavioral consequences as they grow. Therefore, the maltreatment and neglect in child abuse is a causative factor in youth suicide, crime, homeless, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse as well as unemployment in a victims life span (info,†¦.). In particular, there are parents, guardians and even caregivers that would imply that an injury resulting from abuse is accidental because they did not intended to hurt the child. For example, some guardians that discipline there children could be abusing them psychologically or even physically (Asseal). Additionally, people would think that the way they discipline a child is perfectly fine because they want them to learn how to do it the proper way (Bissel). The parental or guardian will always try to make the right choice which would be either to let it go or punish the child. To summarize, people will never know how much the discipline or punishment can lead to in the long run. My expository thesis statement is child abuse is an enormous problem among many families globally because child abuse is a detrimental aspect of a childs life as well as the developmental stages in a childs life, which would cause them to have physical, psychological, or behavioral consequences as they grow . Indeed, many people say that child abuse should be legal because an injury resulting from physical abuse is not accidental the parent or caregiver may not have intended to hurt the child. However, child abuse shouldnt be legalize under any certain circumstance because children can end up with physical, psychological or even behavioral consequences. Initially, child abuse should not be legalized under any circumstance because as children get older they can generate a physical consequence. It is stated that physical abuse is among of the top three largest types of child abuse that affect the children globally. For instance, during 2003 18.9 percent of children were physically abused (Services,†¦). Likewise, more than one-quarter of children who had been in foster care for longer than 12 months had some lasting or recurring health problem (Bissell). As a result it has been shown, in some cases, to cause important regions of the brain to fail to form or grow properly, resulting in impaired development (Bissell). In some cases the physical effects are temporary; however, the pain and suffering they cause a child should not be discounted (Families,..). The immediate physical effects of abuse can be relatively minor like bruises or cuts or severe where there are broken bones, hemorrhage, or even death (Bissell). If this type of a buse can be prevented it should be prevented because every day three out of ten children die. Studies also state that child abuse would affect a childs young development and are prone to physical consequences. Whereas, if the child have extremely abusive guardians the child will tends to end up with physical consequences. In summation, if children have physical consequence due the child abuse, we dont we do more to prevent it? Next child abuse has different consequences such as psychological which affect a childs development mentally. Furthermore, research shows that children that are abuse will have one of the psychological consequences. About 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological consequence (Salus). To illustrate, as many as 80 percent of young adults who had been abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder at age 21 (Salus). In addition, these young adults exhibited many problems, including anxiety, eating disorders, suicide attempts, and posttraumatic stress disorder (service, †¦). The immediate emotional effects of abuse and neglect isolation, fear, and an inability to trust can translate into lifelong consequences, including low self-esteem, depression, and relationship difficulties (Salus). Depression and withdrawal symptoms were common among children as young as 3 who experienced emotional, physical, or enviro nmental neglect (information,†¦). Due to abuse the child can have a dramatic impact on a child when they are young which means as they get older they can develop a psychological consequence. Obviously, children who experience rejection or neglect are more likely to develop antisocial traits as they grow up ( Children that have a psychological consequence due to child abuse have problems opening up to people. As a result, of child abuse that leads to psychological consequences is this research worth the cost? For children globally, that have been abused will have behavioral consequences as they grow older. In other words, they will not know how to control the life nor the choices they are making along the way. Due to the abusers, in the long run children that have been abused will more likely appear to have behavioral consequences at a young age and as they get older. Consequently, children who experience child abuse and neglect are 59 percent more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28 percent more likely to be arrested as an adult, and 30 percent more likely to commit violent crime (Bissell). In particular, studies have shown that abused and neglected children are at least 25 percent more likely to experience problems such as delinquency, teen pregnancy, low academic achievement, drug use, and mental health problems (Dawkins). Similarly, the possible consequence of child abuse can vary on the circumstance of the childs form of abuse (Familie,†¦). According to a National Institute of Justice study, abused and neglected children were 11 times more likely to be arrested for criminal behavior as a juvenile and 3.1 times more likely to be arrested for one of many forms of violent crime (Asseal). Research consistently reflects an increased likelihood that abused and neglected children will smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, or take illicit drugs during their lifetime (Claims†¦). Even though people dont think that a behavioral consequence is possible due to child abuse it is and it will affect the child in a young stage of their life. Therefore, child abuse should be controlled so that children do not have to go through all these ups and down with all their wrong choices. In conclusion, child abuse shouldnt be legalized under any certain circumstance for the reason that children can end up with physical, psychological or even behavioral consequences. Furthermore, child abuse has a great contribution in many families globally, as a result of child abuse which is be a detrimental aspect in a childs life as well as in their developmental stages. Since, child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education. Taking one simple action and reporting child abuse will help prevent a child from being abuse. As well as giving those whom have been abused hope for a brighter future. However, child abuse does not go away, but 90 percent of those who are abused are preventable. For instance, if a parent would stop and just think for a minute about the consequences that may occur to the child in the long run, they would not think of abusing the child. Therefore, there would be just one le ss child being abused.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Different Levels of Meaning in George Herbert’s Poem, Love :: Love
Different Levels of Meaning in George Herbert’s Poem, Love This unique love poem by George Herbert seems both simple and complex at the same time. There are many levels which display the depth of Herbert’s writing. He gives a three stanza poem, six lines each with the rhyme scheme of: A, B, A, B, C, C, and the lines alternating ten and six syllables. This simple and gentle form, that never deviates, gives the reader a tranquil and soothing feeling, adding an extra dimension to the overall poem. The malleable words and enjoyable rhymes gives the look and feel of a candle-light dinner with soft music playing in the background. Love is a love poem with three distinct levels of meaning: the literal, allegorical, and the religious. The literal level, done so simply, is what makes the other levels so easy to see and understand. There are two entities in the poem: Love and the poet. At this level Love is but a human lover or a friend. In the first stanza Love welcomes the poet in his/her house to eat an intimate dinner party for two. The poet hesitates, feeling unclean. Love senses this and proceeds slowly with the courtship, asking if he needs anything. The middle stanza Love tries to reassure the poet that he is worthy to be a guest in his/her house. The poet calls himself â€Å" ‘unkind, ungrateful,’ †(9), almost trying to prove his unworthiness. The last stanza is the turning point when Love overrides the poets augments. Love stresses to the poet that regardless of his faults he is always welcome at his/her table. The dinner invitation is extended once again and the poet accepts. This intimate dinner party becomes so much more when looked at with deeper meanings. The most obvious is the allegorical, in which Love is love personified, a concept more then a person. The more provocative level is that of the religious, where Herbert’s true genius shows through in his complex metaphor: Love is God.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Goals Statement Essay
When I first sat down to write my educational goals statement, I thought it would be easy. I am an extremely goal oriented person, with my entire life being spent focusing on â€Å"what’s next†. So, how difficult could it be to simply write down those goals? When I began writing, however, I discovered it was going to be a little more difficult than I anticipated. I realized that it may be possible to have too many goals. My list was long and confusing with some goals very specific, and others vague. I thought to myself, how can I produce a smart goals statement out of this? So I re-evaluated my list and discovered that my goals could actually be divided into three predictable categories: immediate goals, short-term goals, and long-term goals. I decided then to choose one from each category to focus on for this report. My immediate goals were fairly general, but all related to my success as a student, so my main goal as student is to get an A in all of my online subjects, and this is a goal that I will go reaching slowly, day by day over the course of this course and in my following online courses. I feel a little intimidated when taking these online courses because my native language is Spanish and having to study in English is an extra challenge for me but I know that with effort and dedication I will get the A that I’m hoping for.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay about Oedipus the King - 1183 Words
Oedipus the King Oedipus the King is the perfect example of a tragedy. It contains a complete combination of all the features of a tragedy. Aristotle in his Poetics[1] defines Oedipus as being a definite example of the form and purpose of tragedy. In tragedies the Greeks dramatized climactic events in the lives of heroes, and Oedipus story is no exception. By using many different literary devices it brings moral dilemmas of action and motive to the public stage. The action is set out over the timeframe of one day, which will according to the prophet Tiresias will bring Oedipus birth and destruction. King Oedipus is the central protagonist and within his character lies a tragic flaw. He is unintentionally the†¦show more content†¦This is described metaphorically as sight; you bring down night upon my eyes. Oedipus doesnt believe the blind prophet who with the eyes of Lord Apollo can see the truth. Later he gouges his eyes with Jocastas brooches. The realisation of the truth forces him to do this as a form of self inflicted punishment. He believes that blinding himself will make him oblivious to all that surrounds him. There is further irony when Oedipus refers to Laius, I never saw the man myself. We know that he has already seen him when he killed him. Tragedy is not directly intended to be humorous. It is the knowledge which the onlooker has that portrays the protagonists situation as ironical. The audience relates to this as opposed to the character. Throughout the play Oedipus consistently says things without realising the truth behind them. He says he will fight for Laius as if he were my father. Jocasta unknown to herself also speaks the truth. She describes how Laius bears a resemblance to Oedipus, his buildà ¢? ¦wasnt far from yours. The audience can connect to this because they can see the truth behind these statements. Oedipus as the tragic hero moves us to a state of pity. Just as the Shepard pitied the little baby master because of his innocence we also feel a sense of pathos for him. Since he is not an evil man his misfortune is greater than he deserves. He is genuine in that he honestly fears for these, my people. The tragicShow MoreRelatedOedipus The King Of Oedipus868 Words  | 4 Pageschallenge that waits upon one. Confidence overpowers cockiness. The cocky trait is heavily represented in the story â€Å"Oedipus the King†(c. 430 B.C.) by Sophocles. In the story, Oedipus the king of Thebes has the cocky trait and it results in torture for life. Oedipus’s arrogant personality shows throughout the story as he tries to find the killer of the former king of Thebes, his father. Oedipus tends to deem himself as a god throughout the story which plays a big role in interaction with people around himRead MoreOedipus The King : Oedipus1328 Words  | 6 PagesOedipus the King Oedipus had a lot of different character traits both good and bad. He had a good conscience; he cared deeply for the people in his life and protected them. He was very empathetic, smart and a dependable man who lived his life with great integrity. He was an honest man with strong moral principles and lived a righteous life. He found it difficult to live anything less than a righteous life; when he realized what had become of his life, his guilty conscience consumed him. He was filledRead MoreOedipus The King Of Oedipus1019 Words  | 5 Pageswhat makes Oedipus actions in his quarrel with Teiresias and also throughout the play so dramatically compelling, is the fact that the audience knows the outcome of the story. We know Oedipus fate even before he does, and there is no suspense about the outcome itself, instead, the audience anxiously awaits Oedipus to reveal his fate unto himself in his desperate quest to rid his city of the terrible plague, or maybe even more so, to simply d iscover his own unfortunate tale. Oedipus is relentlessRead MoreOedipus the King1125 Words  | 5 PagesOedipus the King by Sophocles is about Oedipus, a man doomed by his fate. Like most tragedies, #8220;Oedipus the King#8221; contains a tragic hero, a heroic figure unable to escape his/her own doom. This tragic hero usually has a hamartia or a tragic flaw which causes his/hers#8217; downfall. The tragic flaw that Sophocles gives Oedipus is hubris (exaggerated pride or self-confidence), which is what caused Oedipus to walk right into the fate he sought to escape. Pride like that of Oedipus hadRead MoreOedipus the King1065 Words  | 5 PagesSophocles’ use of irony is amongst the greatest of all time, as demonstrated masterfully in Oedipus the King. He displays both ambition and understated humour by using irony in diverse ways, both cosmic and dramatic, as well as verbal irony to add a greater level of wit. Every word spoken holds great symbolic weight and those words contribute to a narrative that reflects the gods plans. Adversely the work of Johnathan Swift takes the form of a social satire, combining economic arguments with a sociopoliticalRead MoreOedipus the King1164 Words  | 5 Pagesmen of high reputation and good fortune such as Oedipus.†This attitude, commonly found in men of high station is not specifically identified as pride in the case of Oedipus and, indeed, different readings can place Oedipus’ great flaw in a number of areas. It seems as if Sophocles intended to emphasize the more common interpr etation of Oedipus’ flaw being excessive pride, but other interpretations, such as Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 1967 film Oedipus Rex, present other possibilities as the main characterRead MoreOedipus the King773 Words  | 4 PagesThe Greek drama Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, is regarded as one of the most perfect tragedies ever written. The tragedy Oedipus the King is highly esteemed partly due to its use of dramatic irony. Dramatic irony means that facts or events, which are not known to the characters on stage or in a fictional work, are known to the audience or reader. Sophocles uses dramatic irony to demonstrate how little the protagonist really knows. The main dramatic irony in Oedipus the King contrasts Oedipus’sRead MoreOedipus The King, Or Oedipus Rex1249 Words  | 5 Pagesmost famous probably being Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, or Oedipus Rex. For a play to be considered a tragedy, it must have a tragic hero. According to Aristotleâ €™s definition of a tragic hero, they must be a decent moral person, of high social standing who eventually meets with a tragic downfall, of their own doing, suffering more than deserved, and realizing their error too late. In the play Oedipus the King, Oedipus is the epitome of a tragic hero. Oedipus Rex was generally a â€Å"good†person; heRead MoreOedipus The King And Oedipus At Colonus1567 Words  | 7 Pagesworks of Sophocles and particularly evident in Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus, not only exalts the Greek nationalism present at the date of composition but dictates the course of the story, evolving as its tragic hero works through his fated anguish. Hubris, defined as exaggerated pride or self-confidence, is the earmark character trait of Oedipus and perhaps Creon. However, it is the abandonment of his sanctimonious nature that distinguishes Oedipus as a true hero. The theme of the evolutionRead MoreOedipus The King, And Oedipus At Colonus1343 Words  | 6 Pages Oedipus, a play written by Sophocles, has become a staple in the study of a Tragic hero in classic literature. When this was written in the fifth century, theatre was more than a means of entertainment but almost a religious event. Robert Fagles goes even further by saying tha t†theatre was not only a religious festival; it was also an aspect of the city’s political life.†(Fagles) . Greek dramas were presented only twice a year during religious festivals that honored Dionysus, the god of wines
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